
565 lines
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2016-07-21 03:11:39 +02:00
//Copyright 2015 <>< Charles Lohr under the ColorChord License.
#include <ctype.h>
#include "color.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "sound.h"
#include "os_generic.h"
#include "DrawFunctions.h"
#include "dft.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "decompose.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "notefinder.h"
#include "outdrivers.h"
#include "parameters.h"
#include "hook.h"
#include "configs.h"
struct SoundDriver * sd;
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
void WindowsTerm()
CloseSound( sd );
float DeltaFrameTime = 0;
double Now = 0;
int lastfps;
short screenx, screeny;
struct DriverInstances * outdriver[MAX_OUT_DRIVERS];
int SoundRawLength;
int SoundRawChannels;
float * SoundRawData; //SoundRawChannels*SoundRawLength
float SoundPictureHz;
int SoundPictureStacks;
int SoundPictureBins;
float * SoundPicture; // [SoundPictureStacks * SoundPictureBins]
int headless = 0; REGISTER_PARAM( headless, PAINT );
int set_screenx = 640; REGISTER_PARAM( set_screenx, PAINT );
int set_screeny = 480; REGISTER_PARAM( set_screeny, PAINT );
char sound_source[16]; REGISTER_PARAM( sound_source, PABUFFER );
int cpu_autolimit = 1; REGISTER_PARAM( cpu_autolimit, PAINT );
int sample_channel = -1;REGISTER_PARAM( sample_channel, PAINT );
struct NoteFinder * nf;
//Sound circular buffer
#define SOUNDCBSIZE 8096
#define MAX_CHANNELS 2
double VisTimeEnd, VisTimeStart;
int soundhead = 0;
float sound[SOUNDCBSIZE];
int show_debug = 0;
int show_debug_basic = 1;
int gKey = 0;
extern int force_white;
void HandleKey( int keycode, int bDown )
char c = toupper( keycode );
if( c == 'D' && bDown ) show_debug = !show_debug;
if( c == 'W' ) force_white = bDown;
if( c == '9' && bDown ) { gKey--; nf->base_hz = 55 * pow( 2, gKey / 12.0 ); ChangeNFParameters( nf ); }
if( c == '-' && bDown ) { gKey++; nf->base_hz = 55 * pow( 2, gKey / 12.0 ); ChangeNFParameters( nf ); }
if( c == '0' && bDown ) { gKey = 0; nf->base_hz = 55 * pow( 2, gKey / 12.0 ); ChangeNFParameters( nf ); }
if( c == 'E' && bDown ) show_debug_basic = !show_debug_basic;
if( c == 'K' && bDown ) DumpParameters();
if( keycode == 65307 ) exit( 0 );
printf( "Key: %d -> %d\n", keycode, bDown );
KeyHappened( keycode, bDown );
void HandleButton( int x, int y, int button, int bDown )
printf( "Button: %d,%d (%d) -> %d\n", x, y, button, bDown );
void HandleMotion( int x, int y, int mask )
void SoundCB( float * out, float * in, int samplesr, int * samplesp, struct SoundDriver * sd )
int channelin = sd->channelsRec;
// int channelout = sd->channelsPlay;
//*samplesp = 0;
// int process_channels = (MAX_CHANNELS < channelin)?MAX_CHANNELS:channelin;
//Load the samples into a ring buffer. Split the channels from interleved to one per buffer.
int i;
int j;
for( i = 0; i < samplesr; i++ )
if( out )
for( j = 0; j < channelin; j++ )
out[i*channelin+j] = 0;
if( sample_channel < 0 )
float fo = 0;
for( j = 0; j < channelin; j++ )
float f = in[i*channelin+j];
if( f >= -1 && f <= 1 )
fo += f;
fo += (f>0)?1:-1;
// printf( "Sound fault A %d/%d %d/%d %f\n", j, channelin, i, samplesr, f );
fo /= channelin;
sound[soundhead] = fo;
soundhead = (soundhead+1)%SOUNDCBSIZE;
float f = in[i*channelin+sample_channel];
if( f > 1 || f < -1 )
f = (f>0)?1:-1;
//printf( "Sound fault B %d/%d\n", i, samplesr );
sound[soundhead] = f;
soundhead = (soundhead+1)%SOUNDCBSIZE;
SoundEventHappened( samplesr, in, 0, channelin );
if( out )
SoundEventHappened( samplesr, out, 1, sd->channelsPlay );
*samplesp = samplesr;
void LoadRaw()
const char * rawfilename = GetParameterS( "rawfilename", 0 );
if( !rawfilename )
fprintf( stderr, "Error: This application requires the 'rawfilename' parameter.\n" );
exit( -19 );
FILE * f = fopen( rawfilename, "rb" );
if( !f )
fprintf( stderr, "Error: Can't open the specified rawfile. %s\n", rawfilename );
2016-07-21 03:11:39 +02:00
exit( -20 );
int SoundRawChannels = MAX_CHANNELS;
fseek( f, 0, SEEK_END );
SoundRawLength = ftell( f ) / SoundRawChannels / 4;
fseek( f, 0, SEEK_SET );
SoundRawData = malloc( SoundRawChannels * 4 * SoundRawLength );
int r = fread( SoundRawData, SoundRawChannels * 4, SoundRawLength, f );
fclose( f );
int samplerate = GetParameterI( "samplerate", 44100 );
SoundPictureHz = GetParameterF( "initmapper_width_hz", 120 );
float fSoundMapMux = GetParameterF( "sound_map_mux", 20 );
int iBins = GetParameterI( "freqbins", 24 );
float SoundPictureTime = samplerate / SoundPictureHz;
int SoundPictureStacks = (SoundRawLength / SoundPictureTime) + 1;
SoundPictureBins = nf->octaves * nf->freqbins;
SoundPicture = malloc( ( SoundPictureStacks + 1 ) * SoundPictureBins * 4);
int i;
int place = 0;
int sbs = (int)SoundPictureTime + 4;
int sbp = 0;
float IntSoundBuffer[sbs];
FILE * fr = fopen( "folded_data.txt", "w" );
2016-07-21 03:11:39 +02:00
for( i = 0; i < SoundPictureStacks; i++ )
int nplace = ((int)(SoundPictureTime * (i+1)))&0xffffffe;
int j = 0;
//float SoundLump[nplace-place];
for( ; place < nplace; place++, j++ )
float fo = 0;
int k;
if( place >= SoundRawLength ) break;
for( k = 0; k < SoundRawChannels; k++ )
float f = SoundRawData[place*SoundRawChannels+k];
fo += f;
fo /= SoundRawChannels;
IntSoundBuffer[sbp++] = fo;
if( sbp == sbs ) sbp = 0;
//XXX WARNING: apparently we actually have to use a circular buffer or something
float backup = nf->dft_iir;
nf->dft_iir = 0;
//printf( "%d %d -- %d %d\n", sbp, sbs, nplace, place );
RunNoteFinder( nf, IntSoundBuffer, sbp, sbs );
nf->dft_iir = backup;
// printf( "NF On %d\n", j );
for( j = 0; j < SoundPictureBins; j++ )
SoundPicture[i*SoundPictureBins+j] = nf->outbins[j];
for( j = 0; j < nf->freqbins; j++ )
fprintf( fr, "%f ", nf->folded_bins[j] );
fprintf( fr, "\n" );
2016-07-21 03:11:39 +02:00
fclose( fr );
2016-07-21 03:11:39 +02:00
FILE * pic = fopen( "pic.pgm", "wb" );
fprintf( pic, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", SoundPictureStacks, SoundPictureBins );
int x, y;
for( y = SoundPictureBins-1; y >= 0; y-- )
for( x = 0; x < SoundPictureStacks; x++ )
float pf = SoundPicture[x*SoundPictureBins+y]*fSoundMapMux;
if( pf > 1 ) pf = 1;
if( pf < 0 ) pf = 0;
//int c = (int)(pf * 255. + 0.5);
//putc( c, pic );
int r = CCtoHEX( y/(float)iBins, 1.0, pf );
putc( r, pic );
putc( r>>8, pic );
putc( r>>16, pic );
fclose( pic );
2016-07-21 03:11:39 +02:00
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
int i;
printf( "Output Drivers:\n" );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_OUT_DRIVERS; i++ )
if( ODList[i].Name ) printf( "\t%s\n", ODList[i].Name );
#ifdef WIN32
WSADATA wsaData;
WSAStartup(0x202, &wsaData);
strcpy( sound_source, "WIN" );
strcpy( sound_source, "PULSE" );
gargc = argc;
gargv = argv;
//Initialize Rawdraw
int frames = 0;
double ThisTime;
double LastFPSTime = OGGetAbsoluteTime();
double LastFrameTime = OGGetAbsoluteTime();
double SecToWait;
CNFGBGColor = 0x800000;
CNFGDialogColor = 0x444444;
char title[1024];
char * tp = title;
memcpy( tp, "ColorChord ", strlen( "ColorChord " ) );
tp += strlen( "ColorChord " );
for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
memcpy( tp, argv[i], strlen( argv[i] ) );
tp += strlen( argv[i] );
*tp = ' ';
*tp = 0;
if( !headless )
CNFGSetup( title, set_screenx, set_screeny );
char * OutDriverNames = strdup( GetParameterS( "outdrivers", "null" ) );
char * ThisDriver = OutDriverNames;
char * TDStart;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_OUT_DRIVERS; i++ )
while( *ThisDriver == ' ' || *ThisDriver == '\t' ) ThisDriver++;
if( !*ThisDriver ) break;
TDStart = ThisDriver;
while( *ThisDriver != 0 && *ThisDriver != ',' )
if( *ThisDriver == '\t' || *ThisDriver == ' ' ) *ThisDriver = 0;
if( *ThisDriver )
*ThisDriver = 0;
printf( "Loading: %s\n", TDStart );
outdriver[i] = SetupOutDriver( TDStart );
//Initialize Sound
sd = InitSound( sound_source, &SoundCB );
if( !sd )
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Failed to initialize sound output device\n" );
return -1;
nf = CreateNoteFinder( sd->spsRec );
//Once everything was reinitialized, re-read the ini files.
SetEnvValues( 1 );
Now = OGGetAbsoluteTime();
double Last = Now;
char stt[1024];
//Handle Rawdraw frame swappign
Now = OGGetAbsoluteTime();
DeltaFrameTime = Now - Last;
if( !headless )
CNFGColor( 0xFFFFFF );
CNFGGetDimensions( &screenx, &screeny );
RunNoteFinder( nf, sound, (soundhead-1+SOUNDCBSIZE)%SOUNDCBSIZE, SOUNDCBSIZE );
//Done all ColorChord work.
VisTimeStart = OGGetAbsoluteTime();
for( i = 0; i < MAX_OUT_DRIVERS; i++ )
if( force_white )
memset( OutLEDs, 0x7f, MAX_LEDS*3 );
if( outdriver[i] )
outdriver[i]->Func( outdriver[i]->id, nf );
VisTimeEnd = OGGetAbsoluteTime();
if( !headless )
//Handle outputs.
int freqbins = nf->freqbins;
int note_peaks = freqbins/2;
int freqs = freqbins * nf->octaves;
//int maxdists = freqbins/2;
//Do a bunch of debugging.
if( show_debug_basic )
//char sttdebug[1024];
//char * sttend = sttdebug;
for( i = 0; i < nf->dists_count; i++ )
2016-07-21 03:11:39 +02:00
CNFGPenX = (nf->dists[i].mean + 0.5) / freqbins * screenx; //Move over 0.5 for visual purposes. The means is correct.
CNFGPenY = 400-nf->dists[i].amp * 150.0 / nf->dists[i].sigma;
//printf( "%f %f\n", dists[i].mean, dists[i].amp );
sprintf( stt, "%f\n%f\n", nf->dists[i].mean, nf->dists[i].amp );
// sttend += sprintf( sttend, "%f/%f ",nf->dists[i].mean, nf->dists[i].amp );
2016-07-21 03:11:39 +02:00
CNFGDrawText( stt, 2 );
CNFGColor( 0xffffff );
//Draw the folded bins
for( i = 0; i < freqbins; i++ )
float x0 = i / (float)freqbins * (float)screenx;
float x1 = (i+1) / (float)freqbins * (float)screenx;
float amp = nf->folded_bins[i] * 250.0;
CNFGDialogColor = CCtoHEX( ((float)(i+0.5) / freqbins), 1.0, 1.0 );
CNFGDrawBox( x0, 400-amp, x1, 400 );
CNFGDialogColor = 0xf0f000;
for( i = 0; i < note_peaks; i++ )
//printf( "%f %f /", note_positions[i], note_amplitudes[i] );
if( nf->note_amplitudes_out[i] < 0 ) continue;
CNFGDialogColor = CCtoHEX( (nf->note_positions[i] / freqbins), 1.0, 1.0 );
CNFGDrawBox( ((float)i / note_peaks) * screenx, 480 - nf->note_amplitudes_out[i] * 100, ((float)(i+1) / note_peaks) * screenx, 480 );
CNFGPenX = ((float)(i+.4) / note_peaks) * screenx;
CNFGPenY = screeny - 30;
sprintf( stt, "%d\n%0.0f", nf->enduring_note_id[i], nf->note_amplitudes2[i]*1000.0 );
//sttend += sprintf( sttend, "%5d/%5.0f ", nf->enduring_note_id[i], nf->note_amplitudes2[i]*1000.0 );
CNFGDrawText( stt, 2 );
//Let's draw the o-scope.
int thissoundhead = soundhead;
thissoundhead = (thissoundhead-1+SOUNDCBSIZE)%SOUNDCBSIZE;
int lasty = sound[thissoundhead] * 128 + 128; thissoundhead = (thissoundhead-1+SOUNDCBSIZE)%SOUNDCBSIZE;
int thisy = sound[thissoundhead] * 128 + 128; thissoundhead = (thissoundhead-1+SOUNDCBSIZE)%SOUNDCBSIZE;
for( i = 0; i < screenx; i++ )
if( thisy < 0 || thisy > 256 ) printf( "%d/%d\n", thisy,thissoundhead );
CNFGTackSegment( i, lasty, i+1, thisy );
lasty = thisy;
thisy = sound[thissoundhead] * 128 + 128; thissoundhead = (thissoundhead-1+SOUNDCBSIZE)%SOUNDCBSIZE;
//puts( sttdebug );
//Extra debugging?
if( show_debug )
//Draw the histogram
float lasthistval;
CNFGColor( 0xffffff );
for( i = -1; i < screenx; i++ )
float thishistval = CalcHistAt( (float)i/(float)screenx*freqbins-0.5, nf->freqbins, nf->dists, nf->dists_count );
2016-07-21 03:11:39 +02:00
if( i >= 0 )
CNFGTackSegment( i, 400-lasthistval * 250.0, i+1, 400-thishistval * 250.0 );
lasthistval = thishistval;
CNFGColor( 0xffffff );
//Draw the bins
for( i = 0; i < freqs; i++ )
float x0 = i / (float)freqs * (float)screenx;
float x1 = (i+1) / (float)freqs * (float)screenx;
float amp = nf->outbins[i] * 250.0;
CNFGDialogColor = CCtoHEX( ((float)i / freqbins), 1.0, 1.0 );
CNFGDrawBox( x0, 0, x1, amp );
CNFGDialogColor = 0x0f0f0f;
char stdebug[1024];
sprintf( stdebug, "DFT:%8.2fms\nFLT:%8.2f\nDEC:%8.2f\nFNL:%8.2f\nDPY:%8.2f",
(nf->DFTTime - nf->StartTime)*1000,
(nf->FilterTime - nf->DFTTime)*1000,
(nf->DecomposeTime - nf->FilterTime)*1000,
(nf->FinalizeTime - nf->DecomposeTime)*1000,
(VisTimeEnd - VisTimeStart)*1000 );
CNFGPenX = 50;
CNFGPenY = 50;
CNFGDrawText( stdebug, 2 );
CNFGColor( show_debug?0xffffff:0x000000 );
CNFGPenX = 0; CNFGPenY = screeny-10;
CNFGDrawText( "Extra Debug (D)", 2 );
CNFGColor( show_debug_basic?0xffffff:0x000000 );
CNFGPenX = 120; CNFGPenY = screeny-10;
CNFGDrawText( "Basic Debug (E)", 2 );
CNFGColor( show_debug_basic?0xffffff:0x000000 );
CNFGPenX = 240; CNFGPenY = screeny-10;
sprintf( stt, "[9] Key: %d [0] (%3.1f) [-]", gKey, nf->base_hz );
CNFGDrawText( stt, 2 );
CNFGColor( 0xffffff );
CNFGPenX = 440; CNFGPenY = screeny-10;
sprintf( stt, "FPS: %d", lastfps );
CNFGDrawText( stt, 2 );
//Finish Rawdraw with FPS counter, and a nice delay loop.
ThisTime = OGGetAbsoluteTime();
if( ThisTime > LastFPSTime + 1 )
// printf( "FPS: %d\n", frames );
lastfps = frames;
frames = 0;
if( cpu_autolimit )
SecToWait = .016 - ( ThisTime - LastFrameTime );
LastFrameTime += .016;
if( SecToWait < -.1 ) LastFrameTime = ThisTime - .1;
if( SecToWait > 0 )
OGUSleep( (int)( SecToWait * 1000000 ) );
SetEnvValues( 0 );
Last = Now;