diff --git a/transcode.sh b/transcode.sh index 0512999..db9157f 100644 --- a/transcode.sh +++ b/transcode.sh @@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ function mp3() mv -f "$tmp_file" "$output_file" || die "Could not move file to \"$output_file\"." ;; + application/octet-stream) + echo "Warning: Assuming \"$input_file\" is a MP3 file." + ;& audio/mpeg) echo "Copying MP3..." cp -f "$input_file" "$output_file" @@ -150,6 +153,9 @@ function ogg() mv -f "$tmp_ogg" "$output_file" || die "Could not move file to \"$output_file\"." ;; + application/octet-stream) + echo "Warning: Assuming \"$input_file\" is a MP3 file." + ;& audio/mpeg) echo "Transcoding OGG..." ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel fatal -i "$input_file" -y -map a -qscale:a 6 -id3v2_version 3 -f ogg "$tmp_ogg" || die "Could not transcode to \"$tmp_ogg\"."