fruchti 2f9c8f51c7 Add initial feed
The MCU board now lets the printer pull in the carrier until the new
paper in sensor is triggered for the first time and then starts the
print like before. The new "initial feed" provides an alignment of the
carrier which is exactly the same every time. Of course, the carrier now
needs two markings.
2015-10-06 15:04:25 +02:00

224 lines
6.3 KiB

// -fruchti 2015
#include "main.h"
volatile uint32_t MillisecondCounter = 0;
volatile uint16_t HallSensorTimer = T_HALL_L;
volatile State_t State = PowerOnWait;
volatile uint8_t HallSensorBuffer = 0;
int main(void)
//// IN- AND OUTPUTS ////
D_LED_RD |= (1 << P_LED_RD);
D_LED_YE |= (1 << P_LED_YE);
D_LED_GN |= (1 << P_LED_GN);
O_LED_RD |= (1 << P_LED_RD);
O_LED_YE |= (1 << P_LED_YE);
O_LED_GN |= (1 << P_LED_GN);
O_NPPINS |= (1 << P_NPPINS);
O_PPINSO |= (1 << P_PPINSO);
D_PPINSO |= (1 << P_PPINSO);
O_MNPFSO |= (1 << P_MNPFSO);
D_MNPFSO |= (1 << P_MNPFSO);
O_EXITSO |= (1 << P_EXITSO);
D_EXITSO |= (1 << P_EXITSO);
D_CLUTCH |= (1 << P_CLUTCH);
O_CLUTCH |= (1 << P_CLUTCH);
//// TIMER 0 ////
// Enable CTC mode
TCCR0A = (1 << WGM01);
// Select clock F_CPU/64 (125kHz)
TCCR0B = (1 << CS01) | (1 << CS00);
// 1kHz interrupt frequency
OCR0A = 124;
// Enable OC0A interrupt
TIMSK = (1 << OCIE0A);
// Trigger on the falling edge for operator panel input
MCUCR |= (1 << ISC01);
// Enable external interrupt 0
GIMSK |= (1 << INT0);
// Trigger on both edges for hall sensor input
MCUCR |= (1 << ISC10);
// Enable external interrupt 1
GIMSK |= (1 << INT1);
MillisecondCounter = 0;
State = PowerOnWait;
case PowerOnWait:
// Does nothing.
// Waits for the initialization of the printer to complete
if(MillisecondCounter >= T_POWRON)
State = Idle;
case Idle:
// Activate clutch and reset all sensor output just in case
// something has gone mucus
O_PPINSO |= (1 << P_PPINSO);
O_MNPFSO |= (1 << P_MNPFSO);
O_EXITSO |= (1 << P_EXITSO);
O_LED_RD |= (1 << P_LED_RD);
O_CLUTCH &= ~(1 << P_CLUTCH);
O_LED_GN &= ~(1 << P_LED_GN);
// Check if motor is running and new paper in sensor is
// blocked by carrier
if(HallSensorTimer < T_HALL_L && !(I_NPPINS & (1 << P_NPPINS)))
// Unblock carrier
O_CLUTCH &= ~(1 << P_CLUTCH);
O_LED_GN |= (1 << P_LED_GN);
O_LED_RD &= ~(1 << P_LED_RD);
State = AlignFeed;
case AlignFeed:
// Check if carrier has moved to the first marked position
if(I_NPPINS & (1 << P_NPPINS))
// Block carrier
O_CLUTCH |= (1 << P_CLUTCH);
State = ClutchDelay;
MillisecondCounter = 0;
case ClutchDelay:
if(MillisecondCounter >= T_CLUTCH)
// Deactivate clutch to allow carrier to get pulled in
O_CLUTCH &= ~(1 << P_CLUTCH);
// Enable manual paper feed sensor
O_MNPFSO &= ~(1 << P_MNPFSO);
State = WaitingForFeed;
case WaitingForFeed:
// Check if the end of the alignment marking on the carrier is
// hit (this state is needed because the alignment marking would
// lead to skipping the WaitingForPaperIn state right away)
if(!(I_NPPINS & (1 << P_NPPINS)))
State = WaitingForPaperIn;
case WaitingForPaperIn:
// Check if paper in sensor is triggered
if(I_NPPINS & (1 << P_NPPINS))
// Enable paper in sensor output
O_PPINSO &= ~(1 << P_PPINSO);
O_LED_RD |= (1 << P_LED_RD);
MillisecondCounter = 0;
State = ExitOnDelay;
case ExitOnDelay:
if(MillisecondCounter >= T_EXIT_H)
// Activate exit sensor output
O_EXITSO &= ~(1 << P_EXITSO);
MillisecondCounter = 0;
State = ManualPaperFeedOffDelay;
case ManualPaperFeedOffDelay:
if(MillisecondCounter >= T_MNPF_L)
// Deactivate manual paper feed sensor output
O_MNPFSO |= (1 << P_MNPFSO);
MillisecondCounter = 0;
State = PaperInOffDelay;
case PaperInOffDelay:
if(MillisecondCounter >= T_PPIN_L)
// Deactivate paper in sensor output
O_PPINSO |= (1 << P_PPINSO);
MillisecondCounter = 0;
State = ExitOffDelay;
case ExitOffDelay:
if(MillisecondCounter >= T_EXIT_L)
// Deactivate exit sensor output
O_EXITSO |= (1 << P_EXITSO);
MillisecondCounter = 0;
State = Idle;
if(MillisecondCounter == 0)
MillisecondCounter = UINT32_MAX;
if(State != PowerOnWait)
if(HallSensorTimer == 0)
HallSensorTimer = UINT16_MAX;
if(HallSensorTimer < T_HALL_L)
O_LED_YE |= (1 << P_LED_YE);
O_LED_YE &= ~(1 << P_LED_YE);
// External interrupt. Triggered by control panel
// Just reset everything
if(State == WaitingForPaperIn || State == ClutchDelay)
//if(State != PowerOnWait)
State = Idle;
// External interrupt. Triggered by hall sensor
HallSensorTimer = 0;