2015-05-05 18:49:42 +02:00
// -fruchti 2015
#include "main.h"
volatile uint32_t MillisecondCounter = 0;
volatile uint16_t HallSensorTimer = T_HALL_L;
volatile State_t State = PowerOnWait;
volatile uint8_t HallSensorBuffer = 0;
int main(void)
//// IN- AND OUTPUTS ////
D_LED_RD |= (1 << P_LED_RD);
D_LED_YE |= (1 << P_LED_YE);
D_LED_GN |= (1 << P_LED_GN);
O_LED_RD |= (1 << P_LED_RD);
O_LED_YE |= (1 << P_LED_YE);
O_LED_GN |= (1 << P_LED_GN);
O_NPPINS |= (1 << P_NPPINS);
O_PPINSO |= (1 << P_PPINSO);
D_PPINSO |= (1 << P_PPINSO);
O_MNPFSO |= (1 << P_MNPFSO);
D_MNPFSO |= (1 << P_MNPFSO);
O_EXITSO |= (1 << P_EXITSO);
D_EXITSO |= (1 << P_EXITSO);
D_CLUTCH |= (1 << P_CLUTCH);
2015-09-20 13:12:29 +02:00
O_CLUTCH |= (1 << P_CLUTCH);
2015-05-05 18:49:42 +02:00
//// TIMER 0 ////
// Enable CTC mode
TCCR0A = (1 << WGM01);
// Select clock F_CPU/64 (125kHz)
TCCR0B = (1 << CS01) | (1 << CS00);
// 1kHz interrupt frequency
OCR0A = 124;
// Enable OC0A interrupt
TIMSK = (1 << OCIE0A);
// Trigger on the falling edge for operator panel input
MCUCR |= (1 << ISC01);
// Enable external interrupt 0
GIMSK |= (1 << INT0);
// Trigger on both edges for hall sensor input
MCUCR |= (1 << ISC10);
// Enable external interrupt 1
GIMSK |= (1 << INT1);
MillisecondCounter = 0;
State = PowerOnWait;
case PowerOnWait:
// Does nothing.
// Waits for the initialization of the printer to complete
if(MillisecondCounter >= T_POWRON)
State = Idle;
case Idle:
// Activate clutch and reset all sensor output just in case
// something has gone mucus
O_PPINSO |= (1 << P_PPINSO);
O_MNPFSO |= (1 << P_MNPFSO);
O_EXITSO |= (1 << P_EXITSO);
O_LED_RD |= (1 << P_LED_RD);
O_CLUTCH &= ~(1 << P_CLUTCH);
O_LED_GN &= ~(1 << P_LED_GN);
// Check if motor is running and new paper in sensor is
// blocked by carrier
if(HallSensorTimer < T_HALL_L && !(I_NPPINS & (1 << P_NPPINS)))
2015-10-04 11:51:38 +02:00
// Unblock carrier
O_CLUTCH &= ~(1 << P_CLUTCH);
2015-05-05 18:49:42 +02:00
O_LED_GN |= (1 << P_LED_GN);
O_LED_RD &= ~(1 << P_LED_RD);
2015-10-04 11:51:38 +02:00
State = AlignFeed;
case AlignFeed:
// Check if carrier has moved to the first marked position
if(I_NPPINS & (1 << P_NPPINS))
// Block carrier
O_CLUTCH |= (1 << P_CLUTCH);
2015-05-05 18:49:42 +02:00
State = ClutchDelay;
MillisecondCounter = 0;
case ClutchDelay:
if(MillisecondCounter >= T_CLUTCH)
// Deactivate clutch to allow carrier to get pulled in
O_CLUTCH &= ~(1 << P_CLUTCH);
// Enable manual paper feed sensor
O_MNPFSO &= ~(1 << P_MNPFSO);
2015-10-04 11:51:38 +02:00
State = WaitingForFeed;
case WaitingForFeed:
// Check if the end of the alignment marking on the carrier is
// hit (this state is needed because the alignment marking would
// lead to skipping the WaitingForPaperIn state right away)
if(!(I_NPPINS & (1 << P_NPPINS)))
2015-05-05 18:49:42 +02:00
State = WaitingForPaperIn;
case WaitingForPaperIn:
// Check if paper in sensor is triggered
if(I_NPPINS & (1 << P_NPPINS))
// Enable paper in sensor output
O_PPINSO &= ~(1 << P_PPINSO);
O_LED_RD |= (1 << P_LED_RD);
MillisecondCounter = 0;
State = ExitOnDelay;
case ExitOnDelay:
if(MillisecondCounter >= T_EXIT_H)
// Activate exit sensor output
O_EXITSO &= ~(1 << P_EXITSO);
MillisecondCounter = 0;
State = ManualPaperFeedOffDelay;
case ManualPaperFeedOffDelay:
if(MillisecondCounter >= T_MNPF_L)
// Deactivate manual paper feed sensor output
O_MNPFSO |= (1 << P_MNPFSO);
MillisecondCounter = 0;
State = PaperInOffDelay;
case PaperInOffDelay:
if(MillisecondCounter >= T_PPIN_L)
// Deactivate paper in sensor output
O_PPINSO |= (1 << P_PPINSO);
MillisecondCounter = 0;
State = ExitOffDelay;
case ExitOffDelay:
if(MillisecondCounter >= T_EXIT_L)
// Deactivate exit sensor output
O_EXITSO |= (1 << P_EXITSO);
MillisecondCounter = 0;
State = Idle;
if(MillisecondCounter == 0)
MillisecondCounter = UINT32_MAX;
if(State != PowerOnWait)
if(HallSensorTimer == 0)
HallSensorTimer = UINT16_MAX;
if(HallSensorTimer < T_HALL_L)
O_LED_YE |= (1 << P_LED_YE);
O_LED_YE &= ~(1 << P_LED_YE);
// External interrupt. Triggered by control panel
// Just reset everything
2015-05-23 16:17:17 +02:00
if(State == WaitingForPaperIn || State == ClutchDelay)
//if(State != PowerOnWait)
2015-05-05 18:49:42 +02:00
State = Idle;
// External interrupt. Triggered by hall sensor
HallSensorTimer = 0;