
410 lines
10 KiB

#include "embeddednf.h"
#include <stdio.h>
uint16_t folded_bins[FIXBPERO];
uint16_t fuzzed_bins[FIXBINS];
uint8_t note_peak_freqs[MAXNOTES];
uint16_t note_peak_amps[MAXNOTES];
uint16_t note_peak_amps2[MAXNOTES];
uint8_t note_jumped_to[MAXNOTES];
static const float bf_table[24] = {
1.000000, 1.029302, 1.059463, 1.090508, 1.122462, 1.155353,
1.189207, 1.224054, 1.259921, 1.296840, 1.334840, 1.373954,
1.414214, 1.455653, 1.498307, 1.542211, 1.587401, 1.633915,
1.681793, 1.731073, 1.781797, 1.834008, 1.887749, 1.943064 };
/* The above table was generated using the following code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
int i;
#define FIXBPERO 24
printf( "const float bf_table[%d] = {", FIXBPERO );
for( i = 0; i < FIXBPERO; i++ )
if( ( i % 6 ) == 0 )
printf( "\n\t" );
printf( "%f, ", pow( 2, (float)i / (float)FIXBPERO ) );
printf( "};\n" );
return 0;
#define BUILD_BUG_ON(condition) ((void)sizeof(char[1 - 2*!!(condition)]))
void UpdateFreqs()
uint16_t fbins[FIXBPERO];
int i;
BUILD_BUG_ON( sizeof(bf_table) != FIXBPERO*4 );
//Warning: This does floating point. Avoid doing this frequently. If you
//absolutely cannot have floating point on your system, you may precompute
//this and store it as a table. It does preclude you from changing
//BASE_FREQ in runtime.
for( i = 0; i < FIXBPERO; i++ )
float frq = ( bf_table[i] * BASE_FREQ );
fbins[i] = ( 65536.0 ) / ( DFREQ ) * frq * 16;
#ifdef USE_32DFT
UpdateBins32( fbins );
UpdateBinsForProgressiveIntegerSkippyInt( fbins );
void Init()
int i;
//Set up and initialize arrays.
for( i = 0; i < MAXNOTES; i++ )
note_peak_freqs[i] = 255;
note_peak_amps[i] = 0;
note_peak_amps2[i] = 0;
for( i = 0; i < FIXBPERO; i++ )
folded_bins[i] = 0;
for( i = 0; i < FIXBINS; i++ )
fuzzed_bins[i] = 0;
//Step 1: Initialize the Integer DFT.
#ifdef USE_32DFT
//Step 2: Set up the frequency list. You could do this multiple times
//if you want to change the loadout of the frequencies.
void HandleFrameInfo()
int i, j, k;
uint8_t hitnotes[MAXNOTES];
for( i = 0; i < MAXNOTES; i++ )
hitnotes[i] = 0;
#ifdef USE_32DFT
uint16_t * strens;
strens = embeddedbins32;
uint16_t * strens = embeddedbins;
//Copy out the bins from the DFT to our fuzzed bins.
for( i = 0; i < FIXBINS; i++ )
fuzzed_bins[i] = (fuzzed_bins[i] + (strens[i]>>FUZZ_IIR_BITS) -
//Taper first octave
for( i = 0; i < FIXBPERO; i++ )
uint32_t taperamt = (65536 / FIXBPERO) * i;
fuzzed_bins[i] = (taperamt * fuzzed_bins[i]) >> 16;
//Taper last octave
for( i = 0; i < FIXBPERO; i++ )
int newi = FIXBINS - i - 1;
uint32_t taperamt = (65536 / FIXBPERO) * i;
fuzzed_bins[newi] = (taperamt * fuzzed_bins[newi]) >> 16;
//Fold the bins from fuzzedbins into one octave.
for( i = 0; i < FIXBPERO; i++ )
folded_bins[i] = 0;
k = 0;
for( j = 0; j < OCTAVES; j++ )
for( i = 0; i < FIXBPERO; i++ )
folded_bins[i] += fuzzed_bins[k++];
//Now, we must blur the folded bins to get a good result.
//Sometimes you may notice every other bin being out-of
//line, and this fixes that. We may consider running this
//more than once, but in my experience, once is enough.
for( j = 0; j < FILTER_BLUR_PASSES; j++ )
//Extra scoping because this is a large on-stack buffer.
uint16_t folded_out[FIXBPERO];
uint8_t adjLeft = FIXBPERO-1;
uint8_t adjRight = 1;
for( i = 0; i < FIXBPERO; i++ )
uint16_t lbin = folded_bins[adjLeft]>>2;
uint16_t rbin = folded_bins[adjRight]>>2;
uint16_t tbin = folded_bins[i]>>1;
folded_out[i] = lbin + rbin + tbin;
//We do this funny dance to avoid a modulus operation. On some
//processors, a modulus operation is slow. This is cheap.
adjLeft++; if( adjLeft == FIXBPERO ) adjLeft = 0;
adjRight++; if( adjRight == FIXBPERO ) adjRight = 0;
for( i = 0; i < FIXBPERO; i++ )
folded_bins[i] = folded_out[i];
//Next, we have to find the peaks, this is what "decompose" does in our
//normal tool. As a warning, it expects that the values in foolded_bins
//do NOT exceed 32767.
uint8_t adjLeft = FIXBPERO-1;
uint8_t adjRight = 1;
for( i = 0; i < FIXBPERO; i++ )
int16_t prev = folded_bins[adjLeft];
int16_t next = folded_bins[adjRight];
int16_t this = folded_bins[i];
uint8_t thisfreq = i<<SEMIBITSPERBIN;
int16_t offset;
adjLeft++; if( adjLeft == FIXBPERO ) adjLeft = 0;
adjRight++; if( adjRight == FIXBPERO ) adjRight = 0;
if( this < MIN_AMP_FOR_NOTE ) continue;
if( prev > this || next > this ) continue;
if( prev == this && next == this ) continue;
//i is at a peak...
int32_t totaldiff = (( this - prev ) + ( this - next ));
int32_t porpdiffP = ((this-prev)<<16) / totaldiff; //close to 0 =
//closer to this side, 32768 = in the middle, 65535 away.
int32_t porpdiffN = ((this-next)<<16) / totaldiff;
if( porpdiffP < porpdiffN )
//Closer to prev.
offset = -(32768 - porpdiffP);
//Closer to next
offset = (32768 - porpdiffN);
//Need to round. That's what that extra +(15.. is in the center.
thisfreq += (offset+(1<<(15-SEMIBITSPERBIN)))>>(16-SEMIBITSPERBIN);
//In the event we went 'below zero' need to wrap to the top.
if( thisfreq > 255-(1<<SEMIBITSPERBIN) )
thisfreq = (1<<SEMIBITSPERBIN)*FIXBPERO - (256-thisfreq);
//Okay, we have a peak, and a frequency. Now, we need to search
//through the existing notes to see if we have any matches.
//If we have a note that's close enough, we will try to pull it
//closer to us and boost it.
int8_t lowest_found_free_note = -1;
int8_t closest_note_id = -1;
int16_t closest_note_distance = 32767;
for( j = 0; j < MAXNOTES; j++ )
uint8_t nf = note_peak_freqs[j];
if( nf == 255 )
if( lowest_found_free_note == -1 )
lowest_found_free_note = j;
int16_t distance = thisfreq - nf;
if( distance < 0 ) distance = -distance;
//Make sure that if we've wrapped around the right side of the
//array, we can detect it and loop it back.
if( distance > ((1<<(SEMIBITSPERBIN-1))*FIXBPERO) )
distance = ((1<<(SEMIBITSPERBIN))*FIXBPERO) - distance;
//If we find a note closer to where we are than any of the
//others, we can mark it as our desired note.
if( distance < closest_note_distance )
closest_note_id = j;
closest_note_distance = distance;
int8_t marked_note = -1;
if( closest_note_distance <= MAX_JUMP_DISTANCE )
//We found the note we need to augment.
note_peak_freqs[closest_note_id] = thisfreq;
marked_note = closest_note_id;
//The note was not found.
else if( lowest_found_free_note != -1 )
note_peak_freqs[lowest_found_free_note] = thisfreq;
marked_note = lowest_found_free_note;
//If we found a note to attach to, we have to use the IIR to
//increase the strength of the note, but we can't exactly snap
//it to the new strength.
if( marked_note != -1 )
hitnotes[marked_note] = 1;
note_peak_amps[marked_note] =
note_peak_amps[marked_note] -
(note_peak_amps[marked_note]>>AMP_1_IIR_BITS) +
note_peak_amps2[marked_note] =
note_peak_amps2[marked_note] -
(note_peak_amps2[marked_note]>>AMP_2_IIR_BITS) +
#if 0
for( i = 0; i < MAXNOTES; i++ )
if( note_peak_freqs[i] == 255 ) continue;
printf( "%d / ", note_peak_amps[i] );
printf( "\n" );
//Now we need to handle combining notes.
for( i = 0; i < MAXNOTES; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < i; j++ )
//We'd be combining nf2 (j) into nf1 (i) if they're close enough.
uint8_t nf1 = note_peak_freqs[i];
uint8_t nf2 = note_peak_freqs[j];
int16_t distance = nf1 - nf2;
if( nf1 == 255 || nf2 == 255 ) continue;
if( distance < 0 ) distance = -distance;
//If it wraps around above the halfway point, then we're closer to it
//on the other side.
if( distance > ((1<<(SEMIBITSPERBIN-1))*FIXBPERO) )
distance = ((1<<(SEMIBITSPERBIN))*FIXBPERO) - distance;
if( distance > MAX_COMBINE_DISTANCE )
int into;
int from;
if( note_peak_amps[i] > note_peak_amps[j] )
into = i;
from = j;
into = j;
from = i;
//We need to combine the notes. We need to move the new note freq
//towards the stronger of the two notes.
int16_t amp1 = note_peak_amps[into];
int16_t amp2 = note_peak_amps[from];
//0 to 32768 porportional to how much of amp1 we want.
uint32_t porp = (amp1<<15) / (amp1+amp2);
uint16_t newnote = (nf1 * porp + nf2 * (32768-porp))>>15;
//When combining notes, we have to use the stronger amplitude note.
//trying to average or combine the power of the notes looks awful.
note_peak_freqs[into] = newnote;
note_peak_amps[into] = (note_peak_amps[into]>note_peak_amps[from])?
note_peak_amps2[into] = (note_peak_amps2[into]>note_peak_amps2[from])?
note_peak_freqs[from] = 255;
note_peak_amps[from] = 0;
note_jumped_to[from] = i;
//For al lof the notes that have not been hit, we have to allow them to
//to decay. We only do this for notes that have not found a peak.
for( i = 0; i < MAXNOTES; i++ )
if( note_peak_freqs[i] == 255 || hitnotes[i] ) continue;
note_peak_amps[i] -= note_peak_amps[i]>>AMP_1_IIR_BITS;
note_peak_amps2[i] -= note_peak_amps2[i]>>AMP_2_IIR_BITS;
//In the event a note is not strong enough anymore, it is to be
//returned back into the great pool of unused notes.
if( note_peak_amps[i] < MINIMUM_AMP_FOR_NOTE_TO_DISAPPEAR )
note_peak_freqs[i] = 255;
note_peak_amps[i] = 0;
note_peak_amps2[i] = 0;
//We now have notes!!!
#if 0
for( i = 0; i < MAXNOTES; i++ )
if( note_peak_freqs[i] == 255 ) continue;
printf( "(%3d %4d %4d) ", note_peak_freqs[i], note_peak_amps[i], note_peak_amps2[i] );
printf( "\n") ;
#if 0
for( i = 0; i < FIXBPERO; i++ )
printf( "%4d ", folded_bins[i] );
printf( "\n" );