Sam Ellicott 66a577ef82 Edit default configurations
- Better documentation of settings
- Default settings work on Windows and Linux
- Move all configurations other than
  default to example_configs directory
- Modify main.c to handle config updates
2022-10-21 22:51:41 -04:00

110 lines
3.2 KiB

# This is the configuration file for colorchord.
# Most values are already defaulted in the software.
# This file is constantly checked for new versions.
# \r, and ; are used as terminators, so you can put
# multiple entries on the same line.
#Whether to limit the control loop to ~60ish FPS.
cpu_autolimit = 1
#General GUI properties.
title = ColorChord Default Configuration (Vornoi)
set_screenx = 720
set_screeny = 480
# ColorChord audio driver properties. #
# Colorchord now automatically picks most of the important audio driver settings automatically
# and will default to PULSE with ALSA as a fallback on Linux,
# On Windows it will default to WASAPI with winmm (WIN) as a fallback
# To force a specific driver use the "sound_source" property, the following values are valid
# sound_source:
# Linux: PULSE, ALSA
# Windows: WASAPI, WIN
# Android: ANDROID
# sound_source =
# The "devplay" property sets the playback device for CNFA (what speakers to go to) most uses for
# colorchord don't use audio output so this can be almost universally ignored
# devplay =
# The "devrecord" Sets the device to get audio from. This will default to monitoring your speaker
# output. For WASAPI, "default" searches for a mic, and "defaultRender" searches for your loopback.
# For PulseAudio @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ selects the default input (typically a microphone) and
# @DEFAULT_MONITOR@ selects the default loopback device.
# devrecord =
# For Linux you can use the following command to find valid devices to read from:
# pactl list | grep pci- | grep monitor
#-1 indicates left and right, 0 left, 1 right.
sample_channel = -1
# Other properties
buffer = 384
play = 0
rec = 1
channels = 2
samplerate = 44100
# General ColorChord properties. #
# How much to amplify the incoming signal.
amplify = 10
# What is the base note? I.e. the lowest note.
# Note that it won't have very much impact until an octave up though!
base_hz = 55
# DFT properties for the DFT when Extra Debug is being shown.
dft_iir = 0.6
dft_q = 60.0000
dft_speedup = 1000.0000
octaves = 6
# What DFT method should we use?
# 0 = DFT Quick
# 1 = DFT Progressive
# 2 = DFT Progressive Integer
# 3 = DFT Progressive Integer Skippy
# 4 = Integer, 32-Bit, Progressive, Skippy.
do_progressive_dft = 0
# How many bins per octave to use?
freqbins = 64
# DFT Output IIR filter (Probably don't change these)
filter_iter = 2
filter_strength = .5
# For the final note information... How much to slack everything?
note_attach_amp_iir = 0.3500
note_attach_amp_iir2 = 0.250
note_attach_freq_iir = 0.3000
#How many bins a note can jump from frame to frame to be considered a slide.
#this is used to prevent notes from popping in and out a lot.
note_combine_distance = 0.5000
note_jumpability = 1.8000
note_minimum_new_distribution_value = 0.0200
note_out_chop = 0.05000
# Colorchord Display and Output Settings #
# This is a vornoi thing:
outdrivers = OutputVoronoi, DisplayArray
lightx = 128
lighty = 64
fromsides = 1
shape_cutoff = 0.03
satamp = 5.000
amppow = 2.510
distpow = 1.500