2015-07-29 01:56:18 -04:00

63 lines
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//Copyright (Public Domain) 2015 <>< Charles Lohr, under the NewBSD License.
//This file may be used in whole or part in any way for any purpose by anyone
//without restriction.
#include "util.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//Take the absolute distance between two points on a torus.
float fabsloop( float a, float b, float modl )
float fa = fabsf( a - b );
fa = fmodf( fa, modl );
if( fa > modl/2.0 )
fa = modl - fa;
return fa;
//Get the weighted - average of two points on a torus.
float avgloop( float pta, float ampa, float ptb, float ampb, float modl )
float amptot = ampa + ampb;
//Determine if it should go linearly, or around the edge.
if( fabsf( pta - ptb ) > modl/2.0 )
//Loop around the outside.
if( pta < ptb )
pta += modl;
ptb += modl;
float modmid = (pta * ampa + ptb * ampb)/amptot;
return fmodf( modmid, modl );
int atoi_del( char * data )
int ret = atoi( data );
free( data );
return ret;
float atof_del( char * data )
float ret = atof( data );
free( data );
return ret;