
259 lines
7.6 KiB

//Copyright (c) 2011 <>< Charles Lohr - Under the MIT/x11 or NewBSD License you choose.
//portions from
#include "DrawFunctions.h"
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xos.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xinerama.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
XWindowAttributes CNFGWinAtt;
Display *CNFGDisplay;
Window CNFGWindow;
Pixmap CNFGPixmap;
int FullScreen = 0;
void CNFGGetDimensions( short * x, short * y )
*x = CNFGWinAtt.width;
*y = CNFGWinAtt.height;
static void InternalLinkScreenAndGo( const char * WindowName )
XGetWindowAttributes( CNFGDisplay, CNFGWindow, &CNFGWinAtt );
XSelectInput (CNFGDisplay, CNFGWindow, KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ExposureMask | PointerMotionMask );
XSetStandardProperties( CNFGDisplay, CNFGWindow, WindowName, WindowName, None, NULL, 0, NULL );
CNFGWindowGC = XCreateGC(CNFGDisplay, CNFGWindow, 0, 0);
CNFGPixmap = XCreatePixmap( CNFGDisplay, CNFGWindow, CNFGWinAtt.width, CNFGWinAtt.height, CNFGWinAtt.depth );
CNFGGC = XCreateGC(CNFGDisplay, CNFGPixmap, 0, 0);
void CNFGSetupFullscreen( const char * WindowName, int screen_no )
XineramaScreenInfo *screeninfo = NULL;
int screens;
int event_basep, error_basep, a, b;
CNFGDisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
int screen = XDefaultScreen(CNFGDisplay);
int xpos, ypos;
if (!XShapeQueryExtension(CNFGDisplay, &event_basep, &error_basep))
fprintf( stderr, "X-Server does not support shape extension" );
exit( 1 );
Visual * visual = DefaultVisual(CNFGDisplay, screen);
CNFGWinAtt.depth = DefaultDepth(CNFGDisplay, screen);
if (XineramaQueryExtension(CNFGDisplay, &a, &b ) &&
(screeninfo = XineramaQueryScreens(CNFGDisplay, &screens)) &&
XineramaIsActive(CNFGDisplay) && screen_no >= 0 &&
screen_no < screens ) {
CNFGWinAtt.width = screeninfo[screen_no].width;
CNFGWinAtt.height = screeninfo[screen_no].height;
xpos = screeninfo[screen_no].x_org;
ypos = screeninfo[screen_no].y_org;
} else
CNFGWinAtt.width = XDisplayWidth(CNFGDisplay, screen);
CNFGWinAtt.height = XDisplayHeight(CNFGDisplay, screen);
xpos = 0;
ypos = 0;
if (screeninfo)
XSetWindowAttributes setwinattr;
setwinattr.override_redirect = 1;
setwinattr.save_under = 1;
setwinattr.event_mask = StructureNotifyMask | SubstructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | PointerMotionMask | ButtonMotionMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask |KeyPressMask |KeyReleaseMask | SubstructureNotifyMask | FocusChangeMask;
setwinattr.border_pixel = 0;
CNFGWindow = XCreateWindow(CNFGDisplay, XRootWindow(CNFGDisplay, screen),
xpos, ypos, CNFGWinAtt.width, CNFGWinAtt.height,
0, CNFGWinAtt.depth, InputOutput, visual, CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask | CWOverrideRedirect | CWSaveUnder, &setwinattr);
XMapWindow(CNFGDisplay, CNFGWindow);
XSetInputFocus( CNFGDisplay, CNFGWindow, RevertToParent, CurrentTime );
FullScreen = 1;
//printf( "%d %d %d %d\n", xpos, ypos, CNFGWinAtt.width, CNFGWinAtt.height );
InternalLinkScreenAndGo( WindowName );
setwinattr.override_redirect = 1;
CNFGDisplay, CNFGWindow,
CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask | CWOverrideRedirect, &setwinattr);
CNFGSetup( WindowName, 640, 480 );
void CNFGSetup( const char * WindowName, int w, int h )
CNFGDisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
XGetWindowAttributes( CNFGDisplay, RootWindow(CNFGDisplay, 0), &CNFGWinAtt );
int depth = CNFGWinAtt.depth;
CNFGWindow = XCreateWindow(CNFGDisplay, RootWindow(CNFGDisplay, 0), 1, 1, w, h, 0, depth, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, 0, 0 );
XMapWindow(CNFGDisplay, CNFGWindow);
InternalLinkScreenAndGo( WindowName );
void CNFGHandleInput()
static int ButtonsDown;
XEvent report;
int bKeyDirection = 1;
int r;
while( (r=XCheckMaskEvent( CNFGDisplay, KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ExposureMask | PointerMotionMask , &report )) )
// XEvent nev;
// XPeekEvent(CNFGDisplay, &nev);
//printf( "EVENT %d\n", report.type );
//XMaskEvent(CNFGDisplay, KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ExposureMask, &report);
bKeyDirection = 1;
switch (report.type)
case NoExpose:
case Expose:
XGetWindowAttributes( CNFGDisplay, CNFGWindow, &CNFGWinAtt );
if( CNFGPixmap ) XFreePixmap( CNFGDisplay, CNFGPixmap );
CNFGPixmap = XCreatePixmap( CNFGDisplay, CNFGWindow, CNFGWinAtt.width, CNFGWinAtt.height, CNFGWinAtt.depth );
if( CNFGGC ) XFreeGC( CNFGDisplay, CNFGGC );
CNFGGC = XCreateGC(CNFGDisplay, CNFGPixmap, 0, 0);
case KeyRelease:
bKeyDirection = 0;
case KeyPress:
HandleKey( XLookupKeysym(&report.xkey, 0), bKeyDirection );
case ButtonRelease:
bKeyDirection = 0;
case ButtonPress:
HandleButton( report.xbutton.x, report.xbutton.y, report.xbutton.button, bKeyDirection );
ButtonsDown = (ButtonsDown & (~(1<<report.xbutton.button))) | ( bKeyDirection << report.xbutton.button );
//Intentionall fall through -- we want to send a motion in event of a button as well.
case MotionNotify:
HandleMotion( report.xmotion.x, report.xmotion.y, ButtonsDown>>1 );
printf( "Event: %d\n", report.type );
void CNFGUpdateScreenWithBitmap( unsigned long * data, int w, int h )
static XImage *xi;
static int depth;
static int lw, lh;
if( !xi )
int screen = DefaultScreen(CNFGDisplay);
// Visual * visual = DefaultVisual(CNFGDisplay, screen);
depth = DefaultDepth(CNFGDisplay, screen)/8;
// xi = XCreateImage(CNFGDisplay, DefaultVisual( CNFGDisplay, DefaultScreen(CNFGDisplay) ), depth*8, ZPixmap, 0, (char*)data, w, h, 32, w*4 );
// lw = w;
// lh = h;
if( lw != w || lh != h )
if( xi ) free( xi );
xi = XCreateImage(CNFGDisplay, DefaultVisual( CNFGDisplay, DefaultScreen(CNFGDisplay) ), depth*8, ZPixmap, 0, (char*)data, w, h, 32, w*4 );
lw = w;
lh = h;
// ls = lw * lh;
XPutImage(CNFGDisplay, CNFGWindow, CNFGWindowGC, xi, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h );
uint32_t CNFGColor( uint32_t RGB )
unsigned char red = RGB & 0xFF;
unsigned char grn = ( RGB >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
unsigned char blu = ( RGB >> 16 ) & 0xFF;
CNFGLastColor = RGB;
unsigned long color = (red<<16)|(grn<<8)|(blu);
XSetForeground(CNFGDisplay, CNFGGC, color);
return color;
void CNFGClearFrame()
XGetWindowAttributes( CNFGDisplay, CNFGWindow, &CNFGWinAtt );
XSetForeground(CNFGDisplay, CNFGGC, CNFGColor(CNFGBGColor) );
XFillRectangle(CNFGDisplay, CNFGPixmap, CNFGGC, 0, 0, CNFGWinAtt.width, CNFGWinAtt.height );
void CNFGSwapBuffers()
XCopyArea(CNFGDisplay, CNFGPixmap, CNFGWindow, CNFGWindowGC, 0,0,CNFGWinAtt.width,CNFGWinAtt.height,0,0);
if( FullScreen )
XSetInputFocus( CNFGDisplay, CNFGWindow, RevertToParent, CurrentTime );
void CNFGTackSegment( short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2 )
XDrawLine( CNFGDisplay, CNFGPixmap, CNFGGC, x1, y1, x2, y2 );
XDrawPoint( CNFGDisplay, CNFGPixmap, CNFGGC, x2, y2 );
void CNFGTackPixel( short x1, short y1 )
XDrawPoint( CNFGDisplay, CNFGPixmap, CNFGGC, x1, y1 );
void CNFGTackRectangle( short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2 )
XFillRectangle(CNFGDisplay, CNFGPixmap, CNFGGC, x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1 );
void CNFGTackPoly( RDPoint * points, int verts )
XFillPolygon(CNFGDisplay, CNFGPixmap, CNFGGC, (XPoint *)points, verts, Convex, CoordModeOrigin );