
880 lines
27 KiB

//Copyright (C) 2015 <>< Charles Lohr, see LICENSE file for more info.
//This particular file may be licensed under the MIT/x11, New BSD or ColorChord Licenses.
var wsUri = "ws://" + + "/d/ws/issue";
var output;
var websocket;
var commsup = 0;
var mpfs_start_at = 65536; //1048576; NOTE: If you select 1048576, it will override the 65536 sector, but has much more room.
var flash_scratchpad_at = 524288;
var flash_blocksize = 65536;
var flash_sendsize = 256;
//Push objects that have:
// .request
// .callback = function( ref (this object), data );
var workqueue = [];
var wifilines = [];
var workarray = {};
var lastitem;
var SystemMessageTimeout = null;
function IssueSystemMessage( msg )
var elem = $( "#SystemMessage" );
elem.html( "<font size=+2>" + msg + "</font>" );
elem.slideToggle( 'fast' );
if( SystemMessageTimeout != null ) clearTimeout(SystemMessageTimeout);
SystemMessageTimeout = setTimeout( function() { SystemMessageTimeout = null; $( "#SystemMessage" ).fadeOut( 'slow' ) }, 3000 );
function QueueOperation( command, callback )
if( workarray[command] == 1 )
workarray[command] = 1;
var vp = new Object();
vp.callback = callback;
vp.request = command;
workqueue.push( vp );
did_init = false;
function init()
if( did_init ) return;
did_init = true;
GPIOlines = '';
for(var i=0; i<16; ++i)
GPIOlines += "<td align=center>"+ i
+ "<input type=button id=ButtonGPIO"+ i +" value=0 onclick=\"TwiddleGPIO("+ i +");\">"
+ "<input type=button id=BGPIOIn"+ i +" value=In onclick=\"GPIOInput("+ i +");\" class=\"inbutton\">"
+ "</td>";
$('#MainMenu > tbody:first-child').before( "\
<tr><td width=1> \
<input type=submit onclick=\"ShowHideEvent( 'SystemStatus' ); SystemInfoTick();\" value='System Status' id=SystemStatusClicker></td><td> \
<div id=SystemStatus class='collapsible'> \
<table width=100% border=1><tr><td> \
<div id=output></div><div id=systemsettings></div> \n </td></tr></table></div></td></tr>"
$('#MainMenu > tbody:last-child').after( "\
<tr><td width=1> \
<input type=submit onclick=\"ShowHideEvent( 'WifiSettings' ); KickWifiTicker();\" value=\"Wifi Settings\"></td><td> \
<div id=WifiSettings class=\"collapsible\"> \
<table width=100% border=1><tr><td> \
Current Configuration: (May deviate from default configuration, reset here if in doubt)<form name=\"wifisection\" action=\"javascript:ChangeWifiConfig();\"> \
<table border=1 width=1%> \
<tr><td width=1>Type:</td><td><input type=\"radio\" name=\"wifitype\" value=1 onclick=\"ClickOpmode(1);\">Station (Connect to infrastructure)<br><input type=\"radio\" name=\"wifitype\" value=2 onclick=\"ClickOpmode(2);\">AP (Broadcast a new AP)</td></tr> \
<tr><td>SSID:</td><td><input type=\"text\" id=\"wificurname\"></td></tr> \
<tr><td>PASS:</td><td><input type=\"text\" id=\"wificurpassword\"></td></tr> \
<tr><td>MAC:</td><td><input type=\"text\" id=\"wifimac\"> (Ignored in softAP mode)</td></tr> \
<tr><td>Chan:</td><td><input type=\"text\" id=\"wificurchannel\"> (Ignored in Station mode)</td></tr></tr> \
<tr><td></td><td><input type=submit value=\"Change Settings\"> (Automatically saves to flash)</td></tr> \
</table></form> \
Scanned Stations: \
<div id=WifiStations></div> \
<input type=submit onclick=\"ScanForWifi();\" value=\"Scan For Stations (Will disconnect!)\"> \
</td></tr></table></div></td></tr> \
<tr><td width=1> \
<input type=submit onclick=\"ShowHideEvent( 'CustomCommand' );\" value=\"Custom Command\"></td><td> \
<div id=CustomCommand class=\"collapsible\"> \
<table width=100% border=1><tr><td> \
Command: <input type=text id=custom_command> \
<input type=submit value=\"Submit\" onclick=\"IssueCustomCommand()\"><br> \
<textarea id=custom_command_response readonly rows=15 cols=80></textarea> \
</td></tr></table></td></tr> \
<tr><td width=1> \
<input type=submit onclick=\"ShowHideEvent( 'GPIOs' ); GPIODataTicker();\" value=\"GPIOs\"></td><td> \
<div id=GPIOs class=\"collapsible\"> \
<table width=100% border=1><tr>" +
+ "</tr></table></div></td></tr>\
<tr><td width=1>\
<input type=submit onclick=\"ShowHideEvent( 'SystemReflash' );\" value=\"System Reflash\"></td><td>\
<div id=SystemReflash class=\"collapsible\">\
<div id=InnerSystemReflash class=\"dragandrophandler\">\
<input id=\"dragndropersystem\" type=\"file\" multiple> <div id=innersystemflashtext>Drop or browse for system (0x000.. 0x400...) or web (.mpfs) reflash files.</div>\
MakeDragDrop( "InnerSystemReflash", DragDropSystemFiles );
$("#dragndropersystem").change(function() { DragDropSystemFiles(this.files ); });
$( ".collapsible" ).each(function( index ) {
if( localStorage["sh" +] > 0.5 )
$( this ).show().toggleClass( 'opened' );
// console.log( "OPEN: " + );
$("#custom_command_response").val( "" );
//Preclude drag and drop on rest of document in event user misses firmware boxes.
donothing = function(e) {e.stopPropagation();e.preventDefault();};
$(document).on('drop', donothing );
$(document).on('dragover', donothing );
$(document).on('dragenter', donothing );
output = document.getElementById("output");
console.log( "Load complete.\n" );
window.addEventListener("load", init, false);
function StartWebSocket()
output.innerHTML = "Connecting...";
if( websocket ) websocket.close();
workarray = {};
workqueue = [];
lastitem = null;
websocket = new WebSocket(wsUri);
websocket.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';
websocket.onopen = function(evt) { onOpen(evt) };
websocket.onclose = function(evt) { onClose(evt) };
websocket.onmessage = function(evt) { onMessage(evt) };
websocket.onerror = function(evt) { onError(evt) };
function onOpen(evt)
doSend('e' );
function onClose(evt)
$('#SystemStatusClicker').css("color", "red" );
commsup = 0;
var msg = 0;
var tickmessage = 0;
var lasthz = 0;
var time_since_hz = 10; //Make it realize it was disconnected to begin with.
function Ticker()
setTimeout( Ticker, 1000 );
lasthz = (msg - tickmessage);
tickmessage = msg;
if( lasthz == 0 )
if( time_since_hz > 3 )
$('#SystemStatusClicker').css("color", "red" );
$('#SystemStatusClicker').prop( "value", "System Offline" );
if( commsup != 0 && !is_waiting_on_stations ) IssueSystemMessage( "Comms Lost." );
commsup = 0;
$('#SystemStatusClicker').prop( "value", "System " + 0 + "Hz" );
time_since_hz = 0;
$('#SystemStatusClicker').prop( "value", "System " + lasthz + "Hz" );
function onMessage(evt)
if( commsup != 1 )
commsup = 1;
$('#SystemStatusClicker').css("color", "green" );
IssueSystemMessage( "Comms Established." );
var rawdat = new Uint8Array(
var stringdata = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, rawdat);
if( lastitem )
if( lastitem.callback )
lastitem.callback( lastitem, stringdata, rawdat );
lastitem = null;
if( stringdata.length > 2 )
var wxresp = stringdata.substr(2).split("\t");
output.innerHTML = "<p>Messages: " + msg + "</p><p>RSSI: " + wxresp[0] + " / IP: " + ((wxresp.length>1)?HexToIP( wxresp[1] ):"") + "</p>";
if( workqueue.length )
var elem = workqueue.shift();
delete workarray[elem.request];
if( elem.request )
doSend( elem.request );
lastitem = elem;
doSend('wx'); //Request RSSI.
function onError(evt)
$('#SystemStatusClicker').css("color", "red" );
commsup = 0;
function doSend(message)
function IsTabOpen( objname )
var obj = $( "#" + objname );
var opened = '.opened' );
return opened != 0;
function ShowHideEvent( objname )
var obj = $( "#" + objname );
obj.slideToggle( 'fast' ).toggleClass( 'opened' );
var opened = '.opened' );
localStorage["sh" + objname] = opened?1:0;
return opened!=0;
function IssueCustomCommand()
QueueOperation( $("#custom_command").val(), function( req,data) { $("#custom_command_response").val( data ); } );
function MakeDragDrop( divname, callback )
var obj = $("#" + divname);
obj.on('dragenter', function (e)
$(this).css('border', '2px solid #0B85A1');
obj.on('dragover', function (e)
obj.on('dragend', function (e)
$(this).css('border', '2px dotted #0B85A1');
obj.on('drop', function (e)
$(this).css('border', '2px dotted #0B85A1');
var files = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files;
//We need to send dropped files to Server
///Below here are mostly just events...
var sysset = null;
var snchanged = false;
var sdchanged = false;
var lastpeerdata = "";
function CallbackForPeers(req,data)
if( data == lastpeerdata ) return;
lastpeerdata = data;
var lines = data.split( "\n" );
var searchcount = 0;
if( lines.length > 0 )
var line1 = lines[0].split( "\t" );
if( line1.length > 1 ) searchcount = Number( line1[1] );
var htm = "<TABLE BORDER=1 STYLE='width:150'><TR><TH>Address</TH><TH>Service</TH><TH>Name</TH><TH>Description</TH></TR>";
for( var i = 1; i < lines.length; i++ )
var elems = lines[i].split( "\t" );
if( elems.length < 4 ) continue;
IP = HexToIP( elems[0] );
htm += "<TR><TD><A HREF=http://" + IP + ">" + IP + "</A></TD><TD>" + elems[1] + "</TD><TD>" + elems[2] + "</TD><TD>" + elems[3] + "</TD></TR>";
htm += "</TABLE>";
if( searchcount == 0 )
htm += "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=\"Initiate Search\" ONCLICK='QueueOperation(\"BS\");'>";
$("#peers").html( htm );
function SysTickBack(req,data)
var params = data.split( "\t" );
if( !snchanged )
$("#SystemName").prop( "value", params[3] );
$("#SystemName").removeClass( "unsaved-input");
if( !sdchanged )
$("#SystemDescription").prop( "value", params[4] );
$("#SystemDescription").removeClass( "unsaved-input");
$("#ServiceName").html( params[5] );
$("#FreeHeap").html( params[6] );
QueueOperation( "BL", CallbackForPeers );
function SystemInfoTick()
if( IsTabOpen('SystemStatus') )
QueueOperation( "I", SysTickBack );
setTimeout( SystemInfoTick, 500 );
function SystemChangesReset()
snchanged = false;
sdchanged = false;
function SystemUncommittedChanges()
if( sdchanged || snchanged ) return true;
else return false;
function InitSystemTicker()
sysset = document.getElementById( "systemsettings" );
sysset.innerHTML = "<TABLE style='width:150'><TR><TD>System Name:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=TEXT ID='SystemName' maxlength=10></TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=Change ONCLICK='QueueOperation(\"IN\" + document.getElementById(\"SystemName\").value ); snchanged = false;'></TD></TR>\
<TR><TD NOWRAP>System Description:</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=TEXT ID='SystemDescription' maxlength=16></TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=Change ONCLICK='QueueOperation(\"ID\" + document.getElementById(\"SystemDescription\").value ); sdchanged = false;'></TD></TR><TR><TD>Service Name:</TD><TD><DIV ID=\"ServiceName\"></DIV></TD></TR><TR><TD>Free Heap:</TD><TD><DIV ID=\"FreeHeap\"></DIV></TD></TR></TABLE>\
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=\"Reset To Current\" ONCLICK='SystemChangesReset();'>\
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=Save ONCLICK='if( SystemUncommittedChanges() ) { IssueSystemMessage( \"Cannot save. Uncommitted changes.\"); return; } QueueOperation(\"IS\", function() { IssueSystemMessage( \"Saving\" ); } ); SystemChangesReset(); '>\
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=\"Revert From Saved\" ONCLICK='QueueOperation(\"IL\", function() { IssueSystemMessage( \"Reverting.\" ); } ); SystemChangesReset();'>\
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=\"Revert To Factory\" ONCLICK='if( confirm( \"Are you sure you want to revert to factory settings?\" ) ) QueueOperation(\"IR\"); SystemChangesReset();'>\
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=Reboot ONCLICK='QueueOperation(\"IB\");'>\
<P>Search for others:</P>\
<DIV id=peers></DIV>";
$("#SystemName").on("input propertychange paste",function(){snchanged = true; $("#SystemName").addClass( "unsaved-input"); });
$("#SystemDescription").on("input propertychange paste",function(){sdchanged = true;$("#SystemDescription").addClass( "unsaved-input"); });
did_wifi_get_config = false;
is_data_ticker_running = false;
is_waiting_on_stations = false;
function ScanForWifi()
QueueOperation('WS', null);
IssueSystemMessage( "Scanning for Wifi..." );
function KickWifiTicker()
if( !is_data_ticker_running )
function BSSIDClick( i )
var tlines = wifilines[i];
document.wifisection.wifitype.value = 1;
document.wifisection.wificurname.value = tlines[0].substr(1);
document.wifisection.wificurpassword.value = "";
document.wifisection.wifimac.value = tlines[1];
document.wifisection.wificurchannel.value = 0;
ClickOpmode( 1 );
return false;
function ClickOpmode( i )
if( i == 1 )
document.wifisection.wificurname.disabled = false;
document.wifisection.wificurpassword.disabled = false;
document.wifisection.wifimac.disabled = false;
document.wifisection.wificurchannel.disabled = true;
document.wifisection.wificurname.disabled = false;
document.wifisection.wificurpassword.disabled = true;
document.wifisection.wificurpassword.value = "";
document.wifisection.wifimac.disabled = true;
document.wifisection.wificurchannel.disabled = false;
function WifiDataTicker()
if( IsTabOpen('WifiSettings') )
is_data_ticker_running = true;
if( !did_wifi_get_config )
QueueOperation( "WI", function(req,data)
var params = data.split( "\t" );
var opmode = Number( params[0].substr(2) );
document.wifisection.wifitype.value = opmode;
document.wifisection.wificurname.value = params[1];
document.wifisection.wificurpassword.value = params[2];
document.wifisection.wifimac.value = params[3];
document.wifisection.wificurchannel.value = Number( params[4] );
ClickOpmode( opmode );
did_wifi_get_config = true;
} );
QueueOperation( "WR", function(req,data) {
var lines = data.split( "\n" );
var innerhtml;
if( data[0] == '!' ) return; //If no APs, don't deal with list.
if( lines.length < 3 )
innerhtml = "No APs found. Did you scan?";
if( is_waiting_on_stations )
IssueSystemMessage( "No APs found." );
is_waiting_on_stations = false;
if( is_waiting_on_stations )
IssueSystemMessage( "Scan Complete." );
is_waiting_on_stations = false;
innerhtml = "<TABLE border=1><TR><TH>SSID</TH><TH>MAC</TH><TH>RS</TH><TH>Ch</TH><TH>Enc</TH></TR>"
wifilines = [];
for( i = 1; i < lines.length-1; i++ )
tlines = lines[i].split( "\t" );
var bssidval = "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='return BSSIDClick(" + (i -1 )+ ")'>" + tlines[1];
innerhtml += "<TR><TD>" + tlines[0].substr(1) + "</TD><TD>" + bssidval + "</TD><TD>" + tlines[2] + "</TD><TD>" + tlines[3] + "</TD><TD>" + tlines[4] + "</TD></TR>";
innerhtml += "</TABLE>";
document.getElementById("WifiStations").innerHTML = innerhtml;
} );
setTimeout( WifiDataTicker, 500 );
is_data_ticker_running = 0;
function ChangeWifiConfig()
var st = "W";
st += document.wifisection.wifitype.value;
st += "\t" + document.wifisection.wificurname.value;
st += "\t" + document.wifisection.wificurpassword.value;
st += "\t" + document.wifisection.wifimac.value;
st += "\t" + document.wifisection.wificurchannel.value;
QueueOperation( st );
did_wifi_get_config = false;
function TwiddleGPIO( gp )
var st = "GF";
st += gp;
QueueOperation( st );
function GPIOInput( gp )
var st = "GI";
st += gp;
QueueOperation( st );
function GPIOUpdate(req,data) {
var secs = data.split( "\t" );
var op = 0;
var n = Number(secs[2]);
var m = Number(secs[1]);
for( op = 0; op < 16; op++ )
var b = $( "#ButtonGPIO" + op );
if( b )
if( 1<<op & n )
b.css("background-color","red" );
b.css("color","black" );
b.prop( "value", "1" );
b.css("background-color","black" );
b.css("color","white" );
b.prop( "value", "0" );
b = $( "#BGPIOIn" + op );
if( b )
if( 1<<op & m )
b.css("background-color","blue" );
b.css("color","white" );
b.attr( "value", "out" );
b.css("background-color","green" );
b.css("color","white" );
b.attr( "value", "in" );
if( IsTabOpen('GPIOs') )
QueueOperation( "GS", GPIOUpdate );
function GPIODataTicker()
if( !IsTabOpen('GPIOs') ) return;
QueueOperation( "GS", GPIOUpdate );
setTimeout( GPIODataTicker, 500 );
function GPIODataTickerStart()
if( IsTabOpen('GPIOs') )
function SystemPushImageProgress( is_ok, comment, pushop )
if( !is_ok )
$("#innersystemflashtext").html( "Failed: " + comment );
$("#innersystemflashtext").html( comment );
if( == pushop.padlen )
if( pushop.ctx.current_state == 0 ) //File 1 is completing.
pushop.ctx.current_state = 1;
pushop.ctx.file1wassize = pushop.padlen;
pushop.ctx.file1md5 = faultylabs.MD5( pushop.paddata ).toLowerCase();
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
$("#innersystemflashtext").html( "Pusing second half..." );
PushImageTo(, flash_scratchpad_at + 0x40000, SystemPushImageProgress, pushop.ctx );
reader.readAsArrayBuffer( pushop.ctx.file2 );
else if( pushop.ctx.current_state == 1 )
var f1s = pushop.ctx.file1wassize;
var f1m = pushop.ctx.file1md5;
var f2s = pushop.padlen;
var f2m = faultylabs.MD5( pushop.paddata ).toLowerCase();
$("#innersystemflashtext").html( "Issuing reflash. Do not expect a response." );
var stf = "FM" + flash_scratchpad_at + "\t0\t" + f1s + "\t" + f1m + "\t" + (flash_scratchpad_at+0x40000) + "\t" + 0x40000 + "\t" + f2s + "\t" + f2m + "\n";
var fun = function( fsrd, flashresponse ) { $("#innerflashtext").html( (flashresponse[0] == '!')?"Flashing failed.":"Flash success." ) };
QueueOperation( stf, fun);
return false;
return true;
function WebPagePushImageFunction( ok, comment, pushop )
if( == pushop.padlen )
$("#innersystemflashtext").html("Push complete. Reload page.");
return true;
function DragDropSystemFiles( file )
if( file.length == 1 )
//webpage ".mpfs" file.
var fn = file[0].name;
if( fn.substr( fn.length - 5 ) != ".mpfs" )
$("#innersystemflashtext").html( "Web files are .mfps files." );
$("#innersystemflashtext").html( "Opening " + fn );
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
PushImageTo(, mpfs_start_at, WebPagePushImageFunction );
reader.readAsArrayBuffer( file[0] );
else if( file.length == 2 )
var file1 = null;
var file2 = null;
for( var i = 0; i < file.length; i++ )
console.log( "Found: " + file[i].name );
if( file[i].name.substr( 0, 17 ) == "image.elf-0x00000" ) file1 = file[i];
if( file[i].name.substr( 0, 17 ) == "image.elf-0x40000" ) file2 = file[i];
if( !file1 )
$("#innersystemflashtext").html( "Could not find a image.elf-0x00000... file." ); return;
if( !file2 )
$("#innersystemflashtext").html( "Could not find a image.elf-0x40000... file." ); return;
if( file1.size > 65536 )
$("#innersystemflashtext").html( "0x00000 needs to fit in IRAM. Too big." ); return;
if( file2.size > 262144 )
$("#innersystemflashtext").html( "0x40000 needs to fit in 256kB. Too big." ); return;
//Files check out. Start pushing.
$("#innersystemflashtext").html( "Starting." );
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
var ctx = new Object();
ctx.file1 = file1;
ctx.file2 = file2;
ctx.current_state = 0;
PushImageTo(, flash_scratchpad_at, SystemPushImageProgress, ctx );
reader.readAsArrayBuffer( file[0] );
$("#innersystemflashtext").html( "Cannot accept anything other than 1 or 2 files." );
function tohex8( c )
var hex = c.toString(16);
return hex.length == 1 ? "0" + hex : hex;
function HexToIP( hexstr )
if( !hexstr ) return "";
return parseInt( hexstr.substr( 6, 2 ), 16 ) + "." +
parseInt( hexstr.substr( 4, 2 ), 16 ) + "." +
parseInt( hexstr.substr( 2, 2 ), 16 ) + "." +
parseInt( hexstr.substr( 0, 2 ), 16 );
function ContinueSystemFlash( fsrd, flashresponse, pushop )
if( flashresponse[0] == '!' )
pushop.status_callback( 0, flashresponse, pushop );
console.log( flashresponse );
var cont = pushop.status_callback( 1, flashresponse, pushop );
if( !cont ) return;
if( >= pushop.padlen ) return;
//If we are coming from a write, and now we need to erase the next block, do so.
if( ( % flash_blocksize ) == 0 && flashresponse[1] != 'B' )
QueueOperation( "FB" + ((, function( x, y ) { ContinueSystemFlash( x, y, pushop ); } );
else //Done erasing the next block, or coming off a write we don't need to erase?
var addy = + pushop.base_address;
var sendstr = "FX" + addy + "\t" + flash_sendsize + "\t";
for( var i = 0; i < flash_sendsize; i++ )
sendstr += tohex8( pushop.paddata[] );
QueueOperation( sendstr, function( x, y ) { ContinueSystemFlash( x, y, pushop ); } );
//The signature for status callback is: function AVRStatusCallback( is_ok, comment, pushop )
//If == pushop.padlen, no further callbacks will continue, even if true is returned.
//you must return "true." Returning false will cease further pushing.
//This function returns an object with all properties about the transfer.
//WARNING: "location" must be block (65536) aligned.
function PushImageTo( arraydata, location, status_callback, ctx )
if( location & 0xffff != 0 )
console.log( "Error: to address not 65,536 aligned." );
return null;
var pushop = Object();
pushop.padlen = Math.floor(((arraydata.byteLength-1)/flash_sendsize)+1)*flash_sendsize;
pushop.paddata = new Uint8Array( pushop.padlen, 0 );
pushop.paddata.set( new Uint8Array( arraydata ), 0 );
pushop.status_callback = status_callback; = 0;
pushop.base_address = location;
pushop.ctx = ctx;
ContinueSystemFlash( null, "Starting", pushop );
return pushop;
/* MD5 implementation minified from:
Javascript MD5 library - version 0.4 Coded (2011) by Luigi Galli - -
Thanks to: Roberto Viola The below code is PUBLIC DOMAIN - NO WARRANTY!
"undefined"==typeof faultylabs&&(faultylabs={}),faultylabs.MD5=function(n){function r(n){var r=(n>>>0).toString(16);return"00000000".substr(0,8-r.length)+r}function t(n){for(var r=[],t=0;t<n.length;t++)r=r.concat(s(n[t]));return r}function e(n){for(var r=[],t=0;8>t;t++)r.push(255&n),n>>>=8;return r}function o(n,r){return n<<r&4294967295|n>>>32-r}function a(n,r,t){return n&r|~n&t}function f(n,r,t){return t&n|~t&r}function u(n,r,t){return n^r^t}function i(n,r,t){return r^(n|~t)}function c(n,r){return n[r+3]<<24|n[r+2]<<16|n[r+1]<<8|n[r]}function s(n){for(var r=[],t=0;t<n.length;t++)if(n.charCodeAt(t)<=127)r.push(n.charCodeAt(t));else for(var e=encodeURIComponent(n.charAt(t)).substr(1).split("%"),o=0;o<e.length;o++)r.push(parseInt(e[o],16));return r}function l(){for(var n="",t=0,e=0,o=3;o>=0;o--)e=arguments[o],t=255&e,e>>>=8,t<<=8,t|=255&e,e>>>=8,t<<=8,t|=255&e,e>>>=8,t<<=8,t|=e,n+=r(t);return n}function y(n){for(var r=new Array(n.length),t=0;t<n.length;t++)r[t]=n[t];return r}function h(n,r){return 4294967295&n+r}function p(){function n(n,r,t,e){var a=m;m=U,U=d,d=h(d,o(h(b,h(n,h(r,t))),e)),b=a}var r=A.length;A.push(128);var t=A.length%64;if(t>56){for(var s=0;64-t>s;s++)A.push(0);t=A.length%64}for(s=0;56-t>s;s++)A.push(0);A=A.concat(e(8*r));var y=1732584193,p=4023233417,g=2562383102,v=271733878,b=0,d=0,U=0,m=0;for(s=0;s<A.length/64;s++){b=y,d=p,U=g,m=v;var I=64*s;n(a(d,U,m),3614090360,c(A,I),7),n(a(d,U,m),3905402710,c(A,I+4),12),n(a(d,U,m),606105819,c(A,I+8),17),n(a(d,U,m),3250441966,c(A,I+12),22),n(a(d,U,m),4118548399,c(A,I+16),7),n(a(d,U,m),1200080426,c(A,I+20),12),n(a(d,U,m),2821735955,c(A,I+24),17),n(a(d,U,m),4249261313,c(A,I+28),22),n(a(d,U,m),1770035416,c(A,I+32),7),n(a(d,U,m),2336552879,c(A,I+36),12),n(a(d,U,m),4294925233,c(A,I+40),17),n(a(d,U,m),2304563134,c(A,I+44),22),n(a(d,U,m),1804603682,c(A,I+48),7),n(a(d,U,m),4254626195,c(A,I+52),12),n(a(d,U,m),2792965006,c(A,I+56),17),n(a(d,U,m),1236535329,c(A,I+60),22),n(f(d,U,m),4129170786,c(A,I+4),5),n(f(d,U,m),3225465664,c(A,I+24),9),n(f(d,U,m),643717713,c(A,I+44),14),n(f(d,U,m),3921069994,c(A,I),20),n(f(d,U,m),3593408605,c(A,I+20),5),n(f(d,U,m),38016083,c(A,I+40),9),n(f(d,U,m),3634488961,c(A,I+60),14),n(f(d,U,m),3889429448,c(A,I+16),20),n(f(d,U,m),568446438,c(A,I+36),5),n(f(d,U,m),3275163606,c(A,I+56),9),n(f(d,U,m),4107603335,c(A,I+12),14),n(f(d,U,m),1163531501,c(A,I+32),20),n(f(d,U,m),2850285829,c(A,I+52),5),n(f(d,U,m),4243563512,c(A,I+8),9),n(f(d,U,m),1735328473,c(A,I+28),14),n(f(d,U,m),2368359562,c(A,I+48),20),n(u(d,U,m),4294588738,c(A,I+20),4),n(u(d,U,m),2272392833,c(A,I+32),11),n(u(d,U,m),1839030562,c(A,I+44),16),n(u(d,U,m),4259657740,c(A,I+56),23),n(u(d,U,m),2763975236,c(A,I+4),4),n(u(d,U,m),1272893353,c(A,I+16),11),n(u(d,U,m),4139469664,c(A,I+28),16),n(u(d,U,m),3200236656,c(A,I+40),23),n(u(d,U,m),681279174,c(A,I+52),4),n(u(d,U,m),3936430074,c(A,I),11),n(u(d,U,m),3572445317,c(A,I+12),16),n(u(d,U,m),76029189,c(A,I+24),23),n(u(d,U,m),3654602809,c(A,I+36),4),n(u(d,U,m),3873151461,c(A,I+48),11),n(u(d,U,m),530742520,c(A,I+60),16),n(u(d,U,m),3299628645,c(A,I+8),23),n(i(d,U,m),4096336452,c(A,I),6),n(i(d,U,m),1126891415,c(A,I+28),10),n(i(d,U,m),2878612391,c(A,I+56),15),n(i(d,U,m),4237533241,c(A,I+20),21),n(i(d,U,m),1700485571,c(A,I+48),6),n(i(d,U,m),2399980690,c(A,I+12),10),n(i(d,U,m),4293915773,c(A,I+40),15),n(i(d,U,m),2240044497,c(A,I+4),21),n(i(d,U,m),1873313359,c(A,I+32),6),n(i(d,U,m),4264355552,c(A,I+60),10),n(i(d,U,m),2734768916,c(A,I+24),15),n(i(d,U,m),1309151649,c(A,I+52),21),n(i(d,U,m),4149444226,c(A,I+16),6),n(i(d,U,m),3174756917,c(A,I+44),10),n(i(d,U,m),718787259,c(A,I+8),15),n(i(d,U,m),3951481745,c(A,I+36),21),y=h(y,b),p=h(p,d),g=h(g,U),v=h(v,m)}return l(v,g,p,y).toUpperCase()}var A=null,g=null;return"string"==typeof n?A=s(n):n.constructor==Array?0===n.length?A=n:"string"==typeof n[0]?A=t(n):"number"==typeof n[0]?A=n:g=typeof n[0]:"undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer?n instanceof ArrayBuffer?A=y(new Uint8Array(n)):n instanceof Uint8Array||n instanceof Int8Array?A=y(n):n instanceof Uint32Array||n instanceof Int32Array||n instanceof Uint16Array||n instanceof Int16Array||n instanceof Float32Array||n instanceof Float64Array?A=y(new Uint8Array(n.buffer)):g=typeof n:g=typeof n,g&&alert("MD5 type mismatch, cannot process "+g),p()};