//Copyright 2015 <>< Charles Lohr under the ColorChord License. #ifndef _DFT32_H #define _DFT32_H #include #ifdef ICACHE_FLASH #include //If on ESP8266 #else #include #endif //A 32-bit version of the DFT used for ColorChord. //This header makes it convenient to use for an embedded system. //The 32-bit DFT avoids some bit shifts, however it uses slightly //more RAM and it uses a lot of 32-bit arithmatic. // //This is basically a clone of "ProgressiveIntegerSkippy" and changes //made here should be backported there as well. //You can # define these to be other things elsewhere. // Will used simple approximation of norm rather than // sum squares and approx sqrt #ifndef APPROXNORM //XXX CNL: BBKiwi added this feature but it seems to break stuff. //#define APPROXNORM 1 #endif #ifndef OCTAVES #define OCTAVES 5 #endif #ifndef FIXBPERO #define FIXBPERO 24 #endif //Don't configure this. #define FIXBINS (FIXBPERO*OCTAVES) #define BINCYCLE (1<