#for a two-ring WS2812 light, 24 LEDs per layer, one layer clockwise, the other counter-clockwise. outdrivers = DisplayPie,DisplayNetwork,OutputLinear leds = 48 light_siding = 1.9 #Turn this to ~1.9 for more uniformity, ~1.0 for less. satamp = 1.600 is_loop=1 led_floor = .1 #Turn to .25 for more uniformity, .1 for less. steady_bright = 0 skipfirst = 3 firstval = 0 port = 7777 #address = address = slope=.10 amplify=.5 lightx = 20 lighty = 20 sourcename = #alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo.monitor fliprg = 1 skittlequantity = 24