lowspec phase 2: More of the CC algorithm.

This commit is contained in:
cnlohr 2023-01-20 04:46:34 -05:00
parent 9984ec1e15
commit 966fea1756
3 changed files with 461 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
all : $(PROJS)
CFLAGS:=-I../../colorchord2/rawdraw -g
LDFLAGS:=-lGL -lm -lpthread -lX11
$(PROJS): %: %.c
gcc -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
clean :
rm -rf $(PROJS)

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@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
An experiment in very, very low-spec ColorChord. This technique foregoes
Approach 1:
This approach uses a table, like several colorchord algorithms to only
process one octave each cycle. It then uses a table to decide how often
to process each bin. It performs that bin at 4x the bin's sampling
frequency, in quadrature. So that it performs the +real, +imag, -real,
-imag operations over each cycle.
You can observe an overtone at the current bin - 1.5 octaves! This is
expected, since, it's the inverse of what the DFT of a square wave would
That is a minor drawback, but the **major** drawback is that any DC
offset, OR lower frequencies present when computing higher frequencies will
induce a significant ground flutter, and make results really inaccurate.
This will need to be addressed before the algorithm is ready for prime-time.
NOTE: To explore:
1) Consider SAMPLE_Q to possibly use all 4 cycles - though this will
add latency, it will be more "accurate" --> YES! This helps!
2) Use the cursor to move left and right to sweep tone and up and down
to change DC-bias. This exhibits this algo's shortcoming.
TODO: Can we somehow zero out the DC offset?
DISCOVERY: This approach (octave-step in octave) is very sensitive FSPS
* If we force all 4 quadrature value to be the same number of
integration cycles, does that solve it? --> NO! IT GETS MESSY (see Approach 1B)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define CNFGOGL
#include "rawdraw_sf.h"
#include "os_generic.h"
uint32_t EHSVtoHEX( uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val );
int binmode = 0;
int additionaltone = 0;
int lastx = 200;
int lasty = 1000;
// Keep notimes as small as possible
static int timul( int adder, int notimes )
int sum = 0;
while( notimes )
if ( notimes & 1) sum += adder;
adder <<= 1;
notimes >>= 1;
return sum;
int main()
#define FSPS 22100 // Careful, this matters! It is selected to avoid periodic peaks encountered with DC offsets.
#define OCTAVES 6
#define BPERO 32
#define BASE_FREQ 22.5
// This ultimately determines smoothness + q.
#define COMPLEX_IIR 3
#define TEST_SAMPLES 1024
int16_t samples[TEST_SAMPLES];
int i;
CNFGSetup( "Example App", 1024, 768 );
// Precomputed Tables
int8_t whichoctave[2<<OCTAVES];
for( i = 0; i < (2<<OCTAVES); i++ )
int j;
for( j = 0; j < OCTAVES; j++ )
if( i & (1<<j) ) break;
if( j == OCTAVES )
whichoctave[i] = -1;
whichoctave[i] = OCTAVES - j - 1;
// Make a running counter to count up by this amount every cycle.
// If the new number > 2048, then perform a quadrature step.
int32_t flipdistance[BPERO];
for( i = 0; i < BPERO; i++ )
double freq = pow( 2, (double)i / (double)BPERO ) * (BASE_FREQ/2.0);
double pfreq = pow( 2, OCTAVES ) * freq;
double spacing = (FSPS / 2) / pfreq / 4;
flipdistance[i] = QUADRATURE_STEP_DENOMINATOR * spacing;
// Spacing = "quadrature every X samples"
//printf( "%f %d\n", spacing, flipdistance[i] );
struct bindata
int32_t quadrature_timing_last;
uint32_t last_accumulated_value[2];
int32_t real_imaginary_running[2];
uint32_t magsum;
uint8_t quadrature_state;
uint8_t reserved1, reserved2, reserved3;
} bins[BPERO*OCTAVES] = { 0 };
// This is for timing. Not accumulated data.
uint32_t octave_timing[OCTAVES] = { 0 };
uint32_t sample_accumulator = 0;
int frameno = 0;
double dLT = OGGetAbsoluteTime();
int samplenoIn = 0;
int sampleno = 0;
double ToneOmega = 0;
double ToneOmega2 = 0;
int ops;
while( CNFGHandleInput() )
short w, h;
CNFGGetDimensions( &w, &h );
float freq =
//pow( 2, (frameno%600)/100.0 ) * 25;
pow( 2, (lastx)/100.0 ) * 22.5;
float freq2 =
//pow( 2, (frameno%600)/100.0 ) * 25;
pow( 2, (200)/100.0 ) * 22.5;
for( i = 0; i < TEST_SAMPLES; i++ )
samples[i] = lasty/5 + sin( ToneOmega ) * 127 + (additionaltone?(sin(ToneOmega2)*128):0);// + (rand()%128)-64;
ToneOmega += 1 / (double)FSPS * (double)freq * 3.14159 * 2.0;
ToneOmega2 += 1 / (double)FSPS * (double)freq2 * 3.14159 * 2.0;
char cts[1024];
sprintf( cts, "%f %d %f binmode: %d", freq, sampleno, ops/(double)sampleno, binmode );
CNFGColor( 0xffffffff );
CNFGPenX = 2;
CNFGPenY = 2;
CNFGDrawText( cts, 2 );
while( OGGetAbsoluteTime() < dLT + TEST_SAMPLES / (double)FSPS );
dLT += TEST_SAMPLES / (double)FSPS;
for( i = 0; i < TEST_SAMPLES; i++ )
sample_accumulator += samples[i];
int octave = whichoctave[(sampleno)&((2<<OCTAVES)-1)];
if( octave < 0 )
// A "free cycle" this happens every 1/(2^octaves)
#define WATCHBIN 1
int b;
int binno = octave * BPERO;
int ocative_time = octave_timing[octave] += QUADRATURE_STEP_DENOMINATOR;
for( b = 0; b < BPERO; b++, binno++ )
struct bindata * thisbin = &bins[binno];
if( ocative_time - thisbin->quadrature_timing_last > 0 )
thisbin->quadrature_timing_last += flipdistance[b];
// This code will get appropriately executed every quadrature update.
int qstate = thisbin->quadrature_state = ( thisbin->quadrature_state + 1 ) % 4;
int last_q_bin = ( qstate & 1 );
//int delta = sample_accumulator - last_accumulated_value[binmode?(binno*2):last_q_bin];
//last_accumulated_value[binmode?(binno*2):last_q_bin] = sample_accumulator * (binmode?1.8:1.0);
int delta = sample_accumulator - thisbin->last_accumulated_value[last_q_bin];
thisbin->last_accumulated_value[last_q_bin] = sample_accumulator;
// Qstate =
// (0) = +Cos, (1) = +Sin, (2) = -Cos, (3) = -Sin
if( qstate & 2 ) delta *= -1;
// Update real and imaginary components with delta.
int running = thisbin->real_imaginary_running[last_q_bin];
running = running + delta;
thisbin->real_imaginary_running[last_q_bin] = running;
if( qstate == 0 )
int newmagR = thisbin->real_imaginary_running[0];
int newmagI = thisbin->real_imaginary_running[1];
thisbin->real_imaginary_running[0] = newmagR - (newmagR>>COMPLEX_IIR);
thisbin->real_imaginary_running[1] = newmagI - (newmagI>>COMPLEX_IIR);
// Super-cheap, non-multiply, approximate complex vector magnitude calculation.
newmagR = (newmagR<0)?-newmagR:newmagR;
newmagI = (newmagI<0)?-newmagI:newmagI;
int newmag =
//sqrt(newmagR*newmagR + newmagI*newmagI );
newmagR > newmagI ? newmagR + (newmagI>>1) : newmagI + (newmagR>>1);
thisbin->magsum = newmag >> (OCTAVES-octave);
int folded_bins[BPERO];
// Taper and fold (happens when we want to update lights)
for( i = 0; i < BPERO; i++ )
int b = i;
int running;
running = bins[b].magsum * i / BPERO;
int j;
for( j = 1; j < OCTAVES-1; j++ )
running += bins[b].magsum;
running += bins[b].magsum * ( BPERO - i ) / BPERO;
folded_bins[i] = running * pow( 2, (i%BPERO) / (double)BPERO ); //XXX TODO: Make this fixed.
int lx, ly;
#if 0
// Boxcar filter
int fuzzed_bins[BPERO];
int fuzzed_bins2[BPERO];
// Taper and fold (happens when we want to update lights)
for( i = 0; i < BPERO; i++ )
fuzzed_bins[i] = (folded_bins[i] + (folded_bins[(i+1)%BPERO]>>0) + (folded_bins[(i+BPERO-1)%BPERO]>>0))>>1;
// Taper and fold (happens when we want to update lights)
for( i = 0; i < BPERO; i++ )
fuzzed_bins2[i] = (fuzzed_bins[i] + (folded_bins[(i+1)%BPERO]>>0) + (fuzzed_bins[(i+BPERO-1)%BPERO]>>0))>>1;
// Filter agian.
for( i = 0; i < BPERO; i++ )
fuzzed_bins[i] = (fuzzed_bins2[i] + (fuzzed_bins2[(i+1)%BPERO]>>0) + (fuzzed_bins2[(i+BPERO-1)%BPERO]>>0))>>1;
// Taper and fold (happens when we want to update lights)
for( i = 0; i < BPERO; i++ )
fuzzed_bins2[i] = (fuzzed_bins[i] + (folded_bins[(i+1)%BPERO]>>0) + (fuzzed_bins[(i+BPERO-1)%BPERO]>>0))>>1;
fuzzed_bins2[i] = fuzzed_bins2[i]>>1;
int fuzzed_bins2[BPERO];
int fziir = folded_bins[i];
// Forward IIR
int j;
#define FUZZ_IIR 2
for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
for( i = 0; i < BPERO; i++ )
// Initiate IIR
fziir = fziir - (fziir>>FUZZ_IIR) + folded_bins[i];
for( i = 0; i < BPERO; i++ )
fziir = fziir - (fziir>>FUZZ_IIR) + folded_bins[i];;
fuzzed_bins2[i] = fziir;
// reverse IIR.
for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
for( i = BPERO-1; i >= 0; i-- )
// Initiate IIR
fziir = fziir - (fziir>>FUZZ_IIR) + fuzzed_bins2[i];
for( i = BPERO-1; i >= 0; i-- )
fziir = fziir - (fziir>>FUZZ_IIR) + fuzzed_bins2[i];
fuzzed_bins2[i] = fziir;
int minfuzz = fziir;
for( i = 0; i < BPERO; i++ )
if( minfuzz > fuzzed_bins2[i] ) minfuzz = fuzzed_bins2[i];
for( i = 0; i < BPERO; i++ )
fuzzed_bins2[i] = ( fuzzed_bins2[i] - minfuzz ) >> FUZZ_IIR;
for( i = 0; i < BPERO*OCTAVES; i++ )
CNFGColor( (EHSVtoHEX( (i * 256 / BPERO)&0xff, 255, 255 ) << 8) | 0xff );
float mag = (float)bins[i].magsum * pow( 2, (i%BPERO) / (double)BPERO );
int y = 768 - mag/20;
if( i ) CNFGTackSegment( i*4, y, lx*4, ly );
lx = i; ly= y;
for( i = 0; i < BPERO*2; i++ )
CNFGColor( (EHSVtoHEX( (i * 256 / BPERO)&0xff, 255, 255 ) << 8) | 0xff );
float mag = (float)folded_bins[i%BPERO];
int y = 400 - mag/100;
if( i ) CNFGTackSegment( i*8, y, lx*8, ly );
lx = i; ly= y;
for( i = 0; i < BPERO*2; i++ )
CNFGColor( (EHSVtoHEX( (i * 256 / BPERO)&0xff, 255, 255 ) << 8) | 0xff );
float mag = (float)fuzzed_bins2[i%BPERO];
int y = 500 - mag/100;
if( i ) CNFGTackSegment( i*8, y, lx*8, ly );
lx = i; ly= y;
// Fol
void HandleKey( int keycode, int bDown ) { if( bDown ) { if( keycode == 'a' ) binmode =!binmode; if( keycode == 'b' ) additionaltone = ! additionaltone; } }
void HandleButton( int x, int y, int button, int bDown ) { }
void HandleMotion( int x, int y, int mask ) { lastx = x; lasty = y; }
void HandleDestroy() { }
uint32_t EHSVtoHEX( uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val )
#define SIXTH1 43
#define SIXTH2 85
#define SIXTH3 128
#define SIXTH4 171
#define SIXTH5 213
uint16_t or = 0, og = 0, ob = 0;
hue -= SIXTH1; //Off by 60 degrees.
//TODO: There are colors that overlap here, consider
//tweaking this to make the best use of the colorspace.
if( hue < SIXTH1 ) //Ok: Yellow->Red.
or = 255;
og = 255 - ((uint16_t)hue * 255) / (SIXTH1);
else if( hue < SIXTH2 ) //Ok: Red->Purple
or = 255;
ob = (uint16_t)hue*255 / SIXTH1 - 255;
else if( hue < SIXTH3 ) //Ok: Purple->Blue
ob = 255;
or = ((SIXTH3-hue) * 255) / (SIXTH1);
else if( hue < SIXTH4 ) //Ok: Blue->Cyan
ob = 255;
og = (hue - SIXTH3)*255 / SIXTH1;
else if( hue < SIXTH5 ) //Ok: Cyan->Green.
og = 255;
ob = ((SIXTH5-hue)*255) / SIXTH1;
else //Green->Yellow
og = 255;
or = (hue - SIXTH5) * 255 / SIXTH1;
uint16_t rv = val;
if( rv > 128 ) rv++;
uint16_t rs = sat;
if( rs > 128 ) rs++;
//or, og, ob range from 0...255 now.
//Need to apply saturation and value.
or = (or * val)>>8;
og = (og * val)>>8;
ob = (ob * val)>>8;
//OR..OB == 0..65025
or = or * rs + 255 * (256-rs);
og = og * rs + 255 * (256-rs);
ob = ob * rs + 255 * (256-rs);
//printf( "__%d %d %d =-> %d\n", or, og, ob, rs );
or >>= 8;
og >>= 8;
ob >>= 8;
return or | (og<<8) | ((uint32_t)ob<<16);

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@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ int main()
if( octave < 0 )
// A "free cycle" this happens every 1/2^octaves
// A "free cycle" this happens every 1/(2^octaves)