2015-01-17 23:06:34 +01:00
#include "outdrivers.h"
#include "notefinder.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "parameters.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <libusb-1.0/libusb.h>
#include "color.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <unistd.h>
struct LEDOutDriver
struct libusb_device_handle *devh;
int did_init;
int zigzag;
int total_leds;
int array;
float outamp;
uint8_t * last_leds;
volatile int readyFlag;
int xn;
int yn;
int rot90;
static void * LEDOutThread( void * v )
struct LEDOutDriver * led = (struct LEDOutDriver*)v;
if( led->readyFlag )
int r = libusb_control_transfer( led->devh,
0x40, //reqtype
0xA5, //request
0x0100, //wValue
0x0000, //wIndex
1000 );
if( r < 0 )
led->did_init = 0;
printf( "Fault sending LEDs.\n" );
led->readyFlag = 0;
return 0;
static void LEDUpdate(void * id, struct NoteFinder*nf)
int i;
struct LEDOutDriver * led = (struct LEDOutDriver*)id;
if( !led->did_init )
led->did_init = 1;
if( libusb_init(NULL) < 0 )
fprintf( stderr, "Error: Could not initialize libUSB\n" );
2015-01-17 23:39:49 +01:00
// exit( -99 );
2015-01-17 23:06:34 +01:00
led->devh = libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid( NULL, 0xabcd, 0xf003 );
if( !led->devh )
fprintf( stderr, "Error: Cannot find device.\n" );
2015-01-17 23:39:49 +01:00
// exit( -98 );
2015-01-17 23:06:34 +01:00
while( led->readyFlag ) usleep(100);
//Advance the LEDs to this position when outputting the values.
for( i = 0; i < led->total_leds; i++ )
int source = i;
if( !led->array )
int sx, sy;
if( led->rot90 )
sy = i % led->yn;
sx = i / led->yn;
sx = i % led->xn;
sy = i / led->xn;
if( led->zigzag )
if( led->rot90 )
if( sx & 1 )
sy = led->yn - sy - 1;
if( sy & 1 )
sx = led->xn - sx - 1;
if( led->rot90 )
source = sx + sy * led->xn;
source = sx + sy * led->yn;
2015-01-17 23:39:49 +01:00
led->last_leds[i*3+0] = OutLEDs[source*3+1] * led->outamp;
led->last_leds[i*3+1] = OutLEDs[source*3+0] * led->outamp;
led->last_leds[i*3+2] = OutLEDs[source*3+2] * led->outamp;
2015-01-17 23:06:34 +01:00
led->readyFlag = 1;
static void LEDParams(void * id )
struct LEDOutDriver * led = (struct LEDOutDriver*)id;
led->total_leds = GetParameterI( "leds", 300 );
led->last_leds = malloc( led->total_leds * 3 + 1 );
led->outamp = .1; RegisterValue( "ledoutamp", PAFLOAT, &led->outamp, sizeof( led->outamp ) );
led->zigzag = 0; RegisterValue( "zigzag", PAINT, &led->zigzag, sizeof( led->zigzag ) );
led->xn = 16; RegisterValue( "lightx", PAINT, &led->xn, sizeof( led->xn ) );
led->yn = 9; RegisterValue( "lighty", PAINT, &led->yn, sizeof( led->yn ) );
led->rot90 = 0; RegisterValue( "rot90", PAINT, &led->rot90, sizeof( led->rot90 ) );
led->array = 0; RegisterValue( "ledarray", PAINT, &led->array, sizeof( led->array ) );
led->did_init = 0;
static struct DriverInstances * DisplayUSB2812()
struct DriverInstances * ret = malloc( sizeof( struct DriverInstances ) );
memset( ret, 0, sizeof( struct DriverInstances ) );
struct LEDOutDriver * led = ret->id = malloc( sizeof( struct LEDOutDriver ) );
ret->Func = LEDUpdate;
ret->Params = LEDParams;
OGCreateThread( LEDOutThread, led );
led->readyFlag = 0;
LEDParams( led );
return ret;