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2015-07-29 07:56:18 +02:00
//Copyright 2015 <>< Charles Lohr under the ColorChord License.
#ifndef _DFT32_H
#define _DFT32_H
2015-07-29 07:56:18 +02:00
#include <ccconfig.h>
#include <c_types.h> //If on ESP8266
#include <stdint.h>
//A 32-bit version of the DFT used for ColorChord.
//This header makes it convenient to use for an embedded system.
//The 32-bit DFT avoids some bit shifts, however it uses slightly
//more RAM and it uses a lot of 32-bit arithmatic.
//This is basically a clone of "ProgressiveIntegerSkippy" and changes
//made here should be backported there as well.
//You can # define these to be other things elsewhere.
#ifndef OCTAVES
#define OCTAVES 5
#ifndef FIXBPERO
#define FIXBPERO 24
//Don't configure this.
//You may increase this past 5 but if you do, the amplitude of your incoming
//signal must decrease. Increasing this value makes responses slower. Lower
//values are more responsive.
#ifndef DFTIIR
#define DFTIIR 6
//Everything the integer one buys, except it only calculates 2 octaves worth of
//notes per audio frame.
//This is sort of working, but still have some quality issues.
//It would theoretically be fast enough to work on an AVR.
//NOTE: This is the only DFT available to the embedded port of ColorChord
void DoDFTProgressive32( float * outbins, float * frequencies, int bins,
const float * databuffer, int place_in_data_buffer, int size_of_data_buffer,
float q, float speedup );
//It's actually split into a few functions, which you can call on your own:
int SetupDFTProgressive32(); //Call at start. Returns nonzero if error.
void UpdateBins32( const uint16_t * frequencies );
//Call this to push on new frames of sound.
//Though it accepts an int16, it actually only takes -4095 to +4095. (13-bit)
//Any more and you will exceed the accumulators and it will cause an overflow.
void PushSample32( int16_t dat );
//ColorChord regular uses this to pass in floats.
void UpdateBinsForDFT32( const float * frequencies ); //Update the frequencies
//This takes the current sin/cos state of ColorChord and output to
void UpdateOutputBins32();
//Whenever you need to read the bins, you can do it from here.
//These outputs are limited to 0..~2047, this makes it possible
//for you to process with uint16_t's more easily.
//This is updated every time the DFT hits the octavecount, or 1/32 updates.
extern uint16_t embeddedbins32[]; //[FIXBINS]