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2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "DFT8Turbo.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_FREQS (24)
#define OCTAVES (5)
* The first thought was using an integration map and only operating when we need to, to pull the data out.
* Now we're doing the thing below this block comment
int16_t accumulated_total; //2 bytes
int16_t last_accumulated_total_at_bin[MAX_FREQS*2]; //24 * 2 * sizeof(int16_t) = 96 bytes.
uint8_t current_time; //1 byte
uint8_t placecode[MAX_FREQS];
//OK... We don't have enough ram to sum everything... can we do something wacky with multiple ocatives to sum everything better?
// 4332322132212210
// ++++++++++++++++-----------------
// ++++++++--------
// ++++----++++----
// ++--++--++--++--
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
// Don't forget we need to do this for sin and cos.
// Can we instead of making this plusses, make it a multiplier?
// How can we handle sin+cos?
// Is it possible to do this for every frame? I.e. for each of the 24 notes, multiply with their current place in table?
// That's interesting. It's not like a sin table.
// There is no "multiply" in the attiny instruction set for attiny85.
// There is, however for attiny402
//Question: Can we do five octaves, or does this need to be balanced?
//Question2: Should we weight higher octaves?
//ATTiny402: 256x8 RAM, 4096x8 FLASH LPM: 3 cycles + FMUL: 2 cycles << Do stacked sin waves?
//ATtiny85: 512x8 RAM, 8192x8 FLASH LPM: 3 cycles + NO MULTIPLY << Do square waves?
/* Approaches:
on ATtiny402: Stacked sin approach.
Say 16 MHz, though 12 MHz is interesting...
16k SPS: 1k cycles per; say 24 bins per; 41 cycles per bin = hard. But is it too hard?
20 cycles per s/c.
read place in stacked table (8? bits) 3 cycles
//Inner loop = 17 cycles.
read stacked table (8 bits), 3 cycles
fractional multiply table with current value. 2 cycles
read current running for note 2 cycles (LDS = 3 cycles)
subtract a shifted version, to make it into an IIR. (4 cycles)
add in current values. (2 cycles)
store data back to ram (2 cycles)
advance place in stacked table (8?bits) 1 cycle
store place in stacked table (8? bits) 3 cycles?
//What if we chunk ADC updates into groups of 4 or 8?
//This is looking barely possible.
on attiny85: scheduled adds/subtracts (like a stacked-square-wave-table)
/* Ok... Let's think about the ATTiny402. 256x8 RAM + 4096x8 FLASH.
* We can create a table which has all octaves overlaid.
* We would need to keep track of:
* 12 x 2 x 2 = 48 bytes = Current sin/cos values.
* 12 x 2 = 24 bytes = Current place in table. = 72 bytes
* We would need to store:
* The layered lookup table. If possible, keep @ 256 bytes to simplify math ops.
* The speed by which each note needs to advance.
* We would need to:
* Read current running place. X 8 cycles
* Use that place to look up into sin table. 3 cycles
* Read running val 4 cycles best case
* Multiply out the sin + IIR 5 cycles
* Store running val 4 cycles best case
* Cos-advance that place to look up into sin table. 4 cycles
* Read running val 4 cycles best case
* Multiply out the sin + IIR 5 cycles
* Store running val 4 cycles best case.
* Read how much to advance X by. 4 cycles
* (Cos^2+Sin^2) 8?
* Store it. 4 cycles best case.
* = 48 x 12 = 576 cycles. Assume 10 MHz @ 16k SPS. We're OK (625 samples)
// Observation: The two tables are actually mirror images of each other, well diagonally mirrored. That's odd. But, would take CPU to exploit.
#define SSTABLESIZE 256
int8_t spikysin_interleved_cos[SSTABLESIZE][2];
uint32_t advancespeed[MAX_FREQS];
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
static int CompTableWithPhase( int nelements, float phase, int scaling )
int highest = 0;
int i;
for( i = 0; i < nelements; i++ )
float taued = i * 3.141592 * 2.0 / nelements;
int o;
float combsin = 0;
for( o = 0; o < OCTAVES; o++ )
combsin += sin( taued * (1<<o) + phase);
combsin /= OCTAVES;
int csadapt = combsin * scaling - 0.5; //No value is higher with five octaves. XXX TODO Lookout. If you change # of octaves, need to change this, too.
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
if( csadapt > highest ) highest = csadapt;
if( -csadapt > highest ) highest = -csadapt;
if( csadapt > 127 ) csadapt = 127;
if( csadapt < -128 ) csadapt = -128; //tricky: Keep balanced.
spikysin_interleved_cos[i][0] = csadapt;
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
float combcos = 0;
for( o = 0; o < OCTAVES; o++ )
combcos += cos( taued * (1<<o) + phase );
combcos /= OCTAVES;
csadapt = combcos * scaling - 0.5; //No value is higher with five octaves. XXX TODO Lookout. If you change # of octaves, need to change this, too.
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
if( csadapt > highest ) highest = csadapt;
if( -csadapt > highest ) highest = -csadapt;
if( csadapt > 127 ) csadapt = 127;
if( csadapt < -128 ) csadapt = -128; //tricky: Keep balanced.
spikysin_interleved_cos[i][1] = csadapt;
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
return highest;
static int Setup( float * frequencies, int bins )
int i;
//Since start position/phase is arbitrary, we should try several to see which gives us the best dynamic range.
float tryphase = 0;
float bestphase = 0;
int highest_val_at_best_phase = 1000000;
for( tryphase = 0; tryphase < 3.14159; tryphase += 0.001 )
int highest = CompTableWithPhase( SSTABLESIZE, tryphase, 65536 );
if( highest < highest_val_at_best_phase )
highest_val_at_best_phase = highest;
bestphase = tryphase;
printf( "Best comp: %f : %d\n", bestphase, highest_val_at_best_phase );
//Set this because we would overflow the sinm and cosm regs if we don't. This is sort of like a master volume.
//use this as that input volume knob thing.
float further_reduce = 1.0;
CompTableWithPhase( SSTABLESIZE, bestphase, (65536*128*further_reduce)/highest_val_at_best_phase );
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
// for( i = 0; i < SSTABLESIZE; i++ )
// {
// printf( "%d %d\n", spikysin_interleved_cos[i*2+0], spikysin_interleved_cos[i*2+1] );
// }
for( i = 0; i < MAX_FREQS; i++ )
//frequencies[i] = SPS / Freq
// Need to decide how quickly we sweep through the table.
advancespeed[i] = 65536 * 256.0 /* fixed point */ * 256.0 /* size of table */ / frequencies[i];
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
//printf( "%f\n", frequencies[i] );
return 0;
uint8_t spikysin_interleved_cos[256*2];
uint16_t advancespeed[MAX_FREQS];
float toutbins[MAX_FREQS];
struct notedat
uint32_t time;
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
int32_t sinm;
int32_t cosm;
static struct notedat nd[MAX_FREQS];
void Turbo8BitRun( int8_t adcval )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_FREQS; i++ )
uint32_t ct = nd[i].time;
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
int32_t muxres;
int32_t running;
int32_t rdesc, rdess;
uint8_t * spikysintable = &spikysin_interleved_cos[(ct>>24)][0];
int8_t ss = *(spikysintable++);
#define DECIR 8
muxres = ((int16_t)adcval * ss + (1<<(DECIR-1)) ) >> (DECIR);
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
running = nd[i].cosm;
running += muxres;
rdesc = running >> 8;
running -= rdesc >> 3;
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
nd[i].cosm = running;
if( i == 0) printf( "MRX %5d %9d %9d %9d %9d\n", muxres, adcval, ss, running, nd[i].sinm );
int8_t sc = *(spikysintable++);
muxres = ((int16_t)adcval * sc + (1<<(DECIR-1)) ) >> (DECIR);
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
running = nd[i].sinm;
running += muxres;
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
rdess = running>>8;
running -= rdess >> 3;
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
nd[i].sinm = running;
nd[i].time = ct + advancespeed[i];
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
toutbins[i] = rdess * rdess + rdesc * rdesc;
//printf( "%d %d = %f %p\n", rdess, rdesc, toutbins[i], &toutbins[i] );
static uint8_t stater;
/* stater++;
if( stater == 16 )
stater = 0;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_FREQS; i++ )
nd[i].sinm -= nd[i].sinm >> 12;
nd[i].cosm -= nd[i].cosm >> 12;
nd[i].sinm += 8;
nd[i].cosm += 8;
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
void DoDFT8BitTurbo( float * outbins, float * frequencies, int bins, const float * databuffer, int place_in_data_buffer, int size_of_data_buffer, float q, float speedup )
static int is_setup;
if( !is_setup ) { is_setup = 1; Setup( frequencies, bins ); }
static int last_place;
int i;
for( i = last_place; i != place_in_data_buffer; i = (i+1)%size_of_data_buffer )
int16_t ifr1 = (int16_t)( ((databuffer[i]) ) * 4095 );
//ifr1 += 4095;
//ifr1 += 512;
Turbo8BitRun( ifr1>>5 ); //6 = Actually only feed algorithm numbers from -64 to 63.
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
last_place = place_in_data_buffer;
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
for( i = 0; i < bins; i++ )
outbins[i] = 0;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_FREQS; i++ )
int iss = nd[i].sinm>>8;
int isc = nd[i].cosm>>8;
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00
int mux = iss * iss + isc * isc;
if( mux == 0 ) mux = 1;
if( i == 0 )
printf( "MUX: %d %d\n", isc, iss );
outbins[i+MAX_FREQS] = sqrt(mux)/200.0;
2019-03-28 11:29:48 +01:00