
54 lines
1.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "dft.h"
#define DFREQ 8000
#define BASE_FREQ 55.0 // You may make this a float.
//The higher the number the slackier your FFT will be come.
#define FUZZ_IIR_BITS 1
//Notes are the individually identifiable notes we receive from the sound.
//We track up to this many at one time. Just because a note may appear to
//vaporize in one frame doesn't mean it is annihilated immediately.
#define MAXNOTES 10
//Determines bit shifts for where notes lie. We represent notes with an uint8_t
//We have to define all of the possible locations on the note line in this.
//note_frequency = 0..((1<<SEMIBITSPERBIN)*FIXBPERO-1)
//This is the amplitude, coming from folded_bins. If the value is below this
//it is considered a non-note.
#define MIN_AMP_FOR_NOTE 128
//If there is detected note this far away from an established note, we will
//then consider this new note the same one as last time, and move the established
//note. This is also used when combining notes. It is this distance times two.
#define AMP_1_NERFING_BITS 5
#define AMP_2_NERFING_BITS 3
extern uint16_t folded_bins[]; //[FIXBPERO] <- The folded fourier output.
extern uint16_t fuzzed_bins[]; //[FIXBINS] <- The Full DFT after IIR, Blur and Taper
//[MAXNOTES] <- frequency of note; Note if it is == 255, then it means it is not set.
extern uint8_t note_peak_freqs[];
extern uint16_t note_peak_amps[]; //[MAXNOTES]
extern uint16_t note_peak_amps2[]; //[MAXNOTES] (Responds quicker)
//XXX: TODO: Consider doing the fuzz IIR on the folded bins. That way we can
//save several bytes of RAM on not having to keep fuzzed_bins around.
void Init();
void UpdateFreqs();
void HandleFrameInfo();